Continuing to be a Women in Business #Bosslady this Summer

Author: Maggie Mulligan

Happy last week of the 2018-2019 school year! As we enter the last stretch of final exams and summer 2019 approaches it is essential to think about steps that can be done this summer to keep us sharp, to build upon our skills and to continue to be a #bosslady this summer.

Revamp your Resume and LinkedIn

Take time this summer to reflect upon all of your accomplishments and put them on your resume or LinkedIn profile. Revamping can be anything from updating your GPA, adding awards or recognition, pieces of media that were shared about you or a club you were an active member of and of course sharing news to your network about upcoming internships for this summer and new leadership positions that you will be starting in the fall.

Get Certified

Getting certified can be intimidating at first due to the content and time commitment but is extremely worth it! Most online certificates are free and show recruiters that you are a go-getter and are motivated to learn on your own time. Examples of certificates that can be done online are HubSpot Academy, Google Ads, and Salesforce.

Build Your Network

Continuing to build your network this summer will help you keep in touch and updated with your fellow interns, classmates, Women in Business friends or favorite Isenberg professor. Not only will this help with building up your online network but also will be talking points for next time you see each other either in class or around UMass Amherst in the fall.

Keep Track Of  When You Go Above and Beyond.

When you go above and beyond your job description you deserve to be proud of yourself and should keep a record of it. Not only will doing this provide you with a history of what you did during your time a company but also will provide you with a multitude of answers for recruiters the next time they ask you to tell them of a time you did something innovative or above and beyond at a past job.

Reflect and Celebrate

 Take some time in the next few weeks to reflect upon what went well and not so well for you this year and write down what you hope to accomplish during the 2019-2020 school year. Often we go through our days without thinking about why we do things a certain way but taking the time to reevaluate will help with self-growth and efficiency. We all accomplished great things and worked hard this past year so make sure to take some well deserved down time before the 2019 - 2020 year begins!

2019 Summer Women in Business Book Challenge

 A personal favorite way of unwinding while learning this summer can be done through reading and can be done at the beach, while on a road trip or anywhere else that is well lit and peaceful to you. Aim to read at least one book a month this summer and use this challenge as a way to strike up a conversation with new faces at the first Women of Business general body meeting in September. Some recommendations for books this summer are:

●      #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso

○      Read if you liked the Netflix adaptation of the story of Sophia Amoruso and want to learn more about the real-life fashion entrepreneur and businesswomen, Sophia Amoruso. 

●      I Am That Girl by Alexis Jones

○      Read if you have ever doubted your purpose or are trying to discover what your passions in life are. Through I Am That Girl, readers will learn to speak their truth and how to #bethatgirl.

●      Brotopia by Emily Chang

○      Read if you are on the way to breaking the glass ceiling that women face everywhere from local small businesses to the Silicon Valley. 

●      Playbook for Success by Nancy Lieberman

○      Read if you plan on making success a part of your daily life. Hall of Fame Businesswomen, Nancy Liberman teaches readers that in and out of work, success is more than a title but rather a way of life.