The (Diligent) Days of Summer

Author: Nicole Keeley

As finals close in on us, I think it’s fair to say everyone’s to-do lists are never ending. With so much to be done, it can feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s during these moments I always think about what I wish I could do if I had more time. Luckily, summer is right around the corner and gives us some time to pursue everything pushed to the way side during the semester. Regardless of whether you landed your dream internship, or are working a local summer job, here are some tips to make the most of your summer!

1. Set goals for the summer before leaving campus, and put together a plan to achieve them (S.M.A.R.T goals!!)

Summer is a great time to grow your technical skills, like working towards completing certifications that will make your resume stand out - whether that’s Salesforce, Microsoft, Adobe, Qualtrics, Python, Google AdWorks, etc. Looking at job descriptions for careers you are interested in can give you a good idea of which trainings are most relevant to the field you want to enter.

It’s also a great time to pursue opportunities where you can fine tune the soft skills you need to succeed in business. That could be as simple as sparking up conversation at your local coffee shop to work on your networking skill or starting a blog or instagram page to showcase your creativity and initiative.

While three months sounds like a long time, September will be here before you know it! So make an realistic plan and factor it into your schedule so that you don’t forget about it.

2. Network

Speaking of networking, if you are still trying to figure out what you want to do use time this summer to read up on careers you are interested in. Reach out to people on LinkedIn and schedule informational interviews. Especially if you will be traveling and have the opportunity to set aside some time to meet, these opportunities can serve as valuable connections or mentors for the future.

3. Save some money

If you’re anything like me, your online banking account is currently full of Uber, Starbucks, and Target payment receipts. Make an effort to budget how much you want to save this summer and what you want to save it for - to start chipping away at your student loans, money for the school year, or for a fun trip with friends. Be especially cognizant of your spending if the summer brings you extra money because it can be easy to increase your spending on unnecessary purchases when you have the means to do so. Also, look for student discounts - some places are sympathetic toward us broke college students!

4. Spend quality time with friends and family

While it’s sad to say goodbye to everyone at school, it’s so nice to reunite with old friends and family, if you are going home at all over the summer. Make an effort to catch up with people even if its been a while. It’s easy to feel like we are updated on people’s lives through social media, but nothing beats a great conversation catching up and reminiscing, and with great friends you will pick up right where you left off.

5. Rest

Summer can become just as eventful and busy as the school year so be sure to schedule some R&R. Whether to you that means yoga or binge watching Friends, remember to give yourself a break!

6. Stay active

The amazing weather makes summer a great time to focus on your health. If the gym is the last place you want to go in the summer, there are plenty of activities to get your heart pumping and muscles activated. Swimming laps in the pool, hiking, biking, and even paddle-board yoga (if you are near the beach) are some great ways to enjoy the weather, and get a workout at the same time.

7. Find summer reads (or podcasts!)

Start that book you have been wanting to read ever since it came out. Also, try out some new podcasts! If you have a goal to learn more about something, chances are there’s a podcast on it, and it’s great use of your time when commuting.

8. And, most importantly, have fun and enjoy summer vacation!!