Tori and Diana: Imposter Syndrome

What is imposter syndrome? It can be described as a feeling of fraudulence — there is no level of accomplishment which seems good enough to make your achievements authentic. It is the feeling that your accolades have not been earned and eventually people will discover the truth: you are a fraud. But the real truth is that a lot of very successful people feel this way. Check out this video for a bit more background on this feeling.

“What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it?” by Elizabeth Cox on TED

We experience it because of perfectionistic standards, competitive environments, and lingering thoughts that we somehow don’t deserve to be where we are. So how can we deal with this sensation?

  1. Work to accept that you played a role in your own success! Don’t forget that you are where you are for a reason: you got admitted to your college, hired for your job, or selected for your internship because someone thought you were qualified.

  2. Remember that comparison is the thief of joy. Bring your best to the table and always be proud of accomplishing your goals, regardless of what other people have done!

  3. Fake it ‘til you make it! If you seriously feel like you don’t deserve to be where you are, at least pretend you belong there. Over time, you’ll start to feel like everything is meant to be exactly how it is.

  4. Talk to other successful people — they’ve likely experienced the same things as you, and it’s helpful to talk about it. Being able to see their hard-work may help you realize that you’ve worked hard too.

Ultimately, imposter syndrome is generally all in your head. It’s healthy to try and step out of that headspace and embrace your successes.