Random Acts of April

Author: Grace O’Malley

There's a phrase we heard time and time again growing up, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” which simply put is, “treat people the way you want to be treated.” Does this ring a bell? Of course it does, it’s the “golden rule.” Now think, how often do you live by this phrase, maybe not as much as you would like. That is okay, most of us feel this way. We are young adults, growing up in a world where we are in constant contact with each other yet barely making true connections. As human beings we tend to do what's best for us rather than what's best for the other person, it's a flaw I’m trying to break away from and I invite you to do so as well. How? Through random acts of kindness; both big and small. Here’s a list of a few ways you can brighten the day of any friend, peer, teacher, or stranger and hopefully yours as well.

1.Spark up a conversation in the elevator.

We have become too comfortable in today's society with gluing our eyes to our phones rather than making conversation with those around us. I invite you, even dare you if you are a shy person, to engage in conversation between peers in your next elevator ride. You may just make that other persons day. 

2. Pay for the next person in line’s coffee.

This one is a rather popular random act of kindness lately. I know as college students money can be tight at times, but this act truly can make a person’s day. We all know what a difference coffee can make in the morning, imagine how much better that coffee would taste if it were free for another person. In a simple act of kindness you can change the whole course of a person's day. My suggestion is, if you have a few dining dollars left around finals time, give this a try. The results leave both you and the other person with a good feeling inside. 

3. Write a “thank you” note.

In your down time, think of a person who really helped you grow as a person or helped you through a tough time. This person could be a teacher, friend, sister; the list goes on. Take a minute and gather all the words you wished to express to them but never did, and write it down. Thank them for having a positive impact on your life. A handwritten note goes farther than any “thx” text message followed by a “thumbs up” emoji.

4. Smile at a person when you make “awkward eye contact.”

The term “awkward eye contact” is relatively new because more often than not, we refrain from making eye contact with strangers as best we can. I’ve noticed, if I am walking to class I will make eye contact with a handful of students. I try my best to smile at the other person each time, but most of the time the other person takes my smile and greets it with a fast look away back down to their phone. This leaves me wondering if I was in the wrong to smile in the first place. Which goes back to treating people the way you want to be treated. I strongly believe a smile can make another persons day.

5. Hold the door open for the next person.

This is a given. How would you like it if someone slammed a door on your face? Granted you may not be fully aware someone is behind you sometimes, but take the extra step to look behind before you enter and make sure no one's there.

6. Toss out a compliment.

A compliment could be anything, this doesn’t have to involve looks. You could express to someone that you admire their study habits, or that you enjoy their taste in music. This simple act takes two seconds out of your day and leaves the other person feeling good and noticed as an individual.

To recap, be kind, be considerate of others, and be a better person. Spring is in the air, kindness should be too.