Professor Gail Cruise: Career Fair Prep

With the Isenberg Career Fair approaching, Professor Gail Cruise offers her advice for communicating professionally to recruiters in both writing and speaking. What makes communication professional? 

Writing Strategies and Tips:

  • Clear and concise sentences: When emailing recruiters, it is important to have a clear focus and goal you would like to achieve by contacting them. Are you interested in an internship program they offer or scheduling an interview? Be specific!

  • Provide evidence/support: Back up any qualifications you have in order to convince the recruiter you are a good candidate for the job and should be considered.

  • Paying Attention to detail: Make sure that your email or letter is formatted correctly. Also check for spelling and that it is grammatically correct. This is important in order to make a good impression.

  • Know your reader: By doing so, you appeal to your audience!

Professional Delivery:

  • Body language: The best body language is standing tall, making good eye contact, and smiling. Make sure you are friendly and inviting to avoid nervous tendencies.

  • Credibility: Who are you and why should we listen to you? Standing tall and dressing professional comes across as confident in a positive way which intrigues your audience.

  • Engagement: When speaking with a recruiter, the delivery is key. Active listening, good eye contact, and asking questions keeps your audience engaged. 

These tips and strategies from Professor Cruise are extremely helpful when speaking with a recruiter and for communicating professionally in the workplace. This is all working towards, “Connecting young, powerful, and professional women.”