Fundraising at its Finest

By Kajal Rohatgi 

Fundraising takes place everyday and everywhere. Millions of dollars have been raised for many different causes and reasons simply from going on a club trip or helping a family in need. No matter what the cause, people are always willing to help out if promoted correctly. With the three fundraisers I had planned over the past two years, I am here to share my tips on how to host a successful fundraiser.

  1. The first step is to identify who you are targeting and what their demographics are. For example, are you looking at a crowd of only females, or both males and females? What age range do you target? Are they adults with families, teens in college, or seniors? 

  2.  After you have figured out who you are targeting, the next step is to brainstorm ideas that would attract the demographic you have chosen. For instance, hold a get together at a restaurant in which adults would pay ahead of time for tickets. This is a great idea as adults crave to go out more but lack events to go to, and this also brings communities together. 

  3. Secure a venue and set a date. Once ideas are flowing, contact nearby businesses and explain what your cause is and if they would like to donate either a monetary value or maybe even a venue. 

  4. After securing the venue or event activity, plan how the night will go, meaning what other activities will be taking place during the night. Will there be music? Will there be food, raffles as a good time passer, or a bar for the guests? Questions like these are to be asked before you start promoting the event so that you can include all the details on flyers. 

  5. Once the event has been set, the next step is to promote the event to the right audience while advertising one needs to make sure it will reach the correct community. If you are targeting adults, join local town facebook groups and send online flyers to the closed group. 

The last and most important step is to relax a little bit and not stress out too much as all the pieces will come together and create a fun environment for people while supporting a good cause. With that being said, don’t forget to go to Panera on Wednesday, 2/26/20, to support Women in Business as part of your purchase is given back to the club. Just show this flyer at the register! Isenberg Women in Business is also FTK! WIB is participating in the Dance Marathon again, and we need your support! Sign up here to be a part of our team, and keep on fundraising! We have raised $2,964.28 so far and we know we can raise more!