My Experience at the WOI Conference

By Rachel Hall

It’s that time of year again! The Women of Isenberg Conference is TOMORROW, and we are beyond excited. With our very own Dean Anne Massey as the keynote speaker and several new and returning speakers to run the breakout sessions, it looks like it will be another great year. 

Last year, I attended for the first time and had an amazing experience. If you haven’t been before, the day starts with breakfast and introduction by the conference team, followed by the keynote speaker. Last year we were lucky enough to hear from Diane Isenberg about how she made her way in a male-dominated finance industry, along with several accomplishments in public health and other fields. This year, we will hear from Dean Anne Massey to start off the day. The keynote address is followed by the first breakout session, where you will have the option between a few different themed panels to hear from various speakers. This year, the topics will include defining success, intelligent interning, workplace politics, and so many more! After this, everyone will reconvene for another speaker session from Isenberg professor Nora Junaid, then head to breakout two for more panels. 

After the panels it’s time for lunch! Not just any lunch, but a presentation by the Women for UMass Amherst network and a panel on Organizational Culture with speakers from United Technologies. This is followed by the networking lunch where students and professionals are seated together to participate in guided networking activities. Not only is the lunch totally delicious, but you get to gain valuable life skills while you eat! This lunch helped me so much with my networking skills and for me, was one of the best parts of the conference last year. 

After lunch is a third breakout session which consists of workshops hosted by single speakers. These workshops focus on honing specific business and life skills and all of the hosts will provide amazing insight into the business world. These workshops are each so worthwhile, you will wish you could attend them all!

The third breakout session is followed by some closing remarks and MORE amazing food, and that’s pretty much a wrap! We can’t wait to see you there!