Social Media & How it Affects Us

By: Rachel Hall

It’s 2019 and social media has been ingrained into our lives. There’s no denying it and at this point, no getting rid of it. So let’s talk about it.

Social media can be used for lots of great things, but as a girl in college I’ve found that it can lead to negative things as well. I think it’s important to talk about the ways that social media impacts us so that we can share our experiences and learn how to use it in a positive and beneficial way. Social media is a highlight reel. It showcases the best moments in our lives, the ones we want other people to see. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but it’s something we have to keep in mind when we scroll through Instagram, Twitter, and whatever else we use. Confusing real life with social media is a huge trap and it’s one of the most dangerous things about social media. It’s so easy to edit pictures, to filter reality, and make it seem as if we don’t have a care in the world all the time when we’re online. We tend to forget that other people do that too. Comparing our real lives to other people’s highlight reels can be mentally unhealthy, but it’s a habit we all fall into sometimes.

Social media can also be tough during recruiting season. Now that it’s so easy to search for someone online, it’s important to think about what we post and who can see it when applying and interviewing for jobs. It seems unfair that we can get judged based off of a single picture of ourselves online, but it’s a reality that comes with the presence of social media. 

Next time you open your phone and log on, here’s what I propose. Forget facetune and photoshop and any other fancy editing app you have. Remember that everyone is living a life outside of the internet where they can’t edit out their problems. Post a picture unedited, and don’t compare it to anyone else. Try not to judge people based on their profiles, because those are two separate things no matter how hard we try to forget that. Taking these small steps to be more true to yourself online will not only lead to a happier and more positive mindset but create a better community online for everyone else. 

Let’s all put some more unfiltered positivity into the world, both online and off.