Falling Asleep at Your Desk? Here’s 5 Tips to Help Keep You Awake in Class!

Author: Julianna Iacona

1.     Chew gum.

Chewing gum keeps the blood flowing and takes your mind off of the tiredness. For an added benefit, if you chew the same flavor gum that you were chewing while studying during your test, you’re more likely to be able to remember what you studied…fresh breath and an A!

2.    Shower before class.

Morning classes can be the hardest to get up for, especially in the Winter when it’s freezing out. Trade your warm bed for a warm shower, it’s the pick-me-up that leaves you feeling refreshed, alert, and ready to take on your day! Plus, you can totally multitask. Um hello…washing your face, brushing your teeth, and showering all in one go? Yes please!

     3.  Eat a snack and drink plenty of H2O.

Be sure to bring a water bottle and a quick snack (like an apple or a protein bar) to class. If you’re having a super busy day, you could be feeling groggy from dehydration, drinking coffee on an empty stomach, or just needing a little snack to give you some energy and decrease your fatigue.

     4.  Take a stroll to the bathroom.

Walk off the sleepiness! This will get your blood circulating, and gives you a chance to take a small stretch break while you’re in the hallway.

    5. Actively take notes and interact with your professor.

Ask questions! Listen to the lecture and ask questions when things become unclear. This forces you to focus more on what the professor is saying, and less on how badly you want to take a nap.