Dealing with Stress at School

Author: Gabriella Sears

In such a fast-paced environment, it is so easy to become stressed about work load, grades, social life, and any other inconveniences life decides to throw at you! Below are some sure-fire ways to diminish stress and keep going when the going gets tough!

1.    Talk it Out! 

One of the best ways to cope with stress is by talking to a close friend or family. By discussing your problems, it is easier to acknowledge and deal with them. Your friends and family can also offer their own advice on how they deal with stress. In addition, talking about things going on at home or in their lives can make you forget about your own for a moment!

(UMass also offers 3 free therapy sessions!)

2.    Hit the Gym!

Although you may have what seems like a million things to do, hitting the gym is a great way to relieve stress and clear your head. It’s also great to gather some friends and take a class together at the Rec Center! In addition to relieving stress, you’ll also be keeping your body active and healthy.

3.    Make a To-Do List

It may seem cliché but making to-do lists and writing down tasks in the order you need to do them will help you cross things off your list efficiently. Start with small things and work your way up to bigger things based on importance. Things can be as simple as doing laundry, and as difficult as studying for exam. Decide what is most important for you to get done, and you’ll be crossing off tasks in no time!

4.    Take a Moment for Yourself

With so much going on, it is important to maintain good mental health. You cannot complete the things you need to do if you are sick or in a bad state of mind. To fix this, take a small amount of time to do something for yourself whether it’s going for a walk, watching an episode of your favorite TV show, listening to some music, or taking a nice nap.

5.    Take a Deep Breath

It’s easy to get caught up in all of the things you have to do, but you have to remind yourself that you will get all of it done. Think about all of the college students in the same boat as you and remind yourself that you are not alone! Take a moment out of your day to look at the bigger picture, and realize that you will complete everything, although it may take some time.