Happy Wednesday!!
Thank you all for joining us at our first WiB meeting of the semester! We hope you enjoyed getting to hear about our club, committees, E-Board, and plans for the semester as much as we enjoyed seeing all your new and returning faces!
We also had the lovely opportunity to have EY come and present about their opportunities last meeting. If you were interested, make sure to visit handshake to check out all the amazing job opportunities they have. Their application deadline is September 18th. Feel free to reach out to Ryan Rich if you have any questions: ryan.rich@ey.com and make sure to connect with Julia and Maryanne too!
If you happened to miss the meeting, don't fret and clickhere to see the recording!
Our next meeting will be held onMonday, September 16th at 7pm in Flavin Auditorium (Isenberg 137). At this meeting we will be welcoming Alyssa Nogueira, a UMass alum and a recruiter for Liberty Mutual. She will lead us through an interactive presentation titled “Leveraging Your Values in Your Job Search” which will be perfect to prepare for the Isenberg Career Fair this month and when looking at jobs! And make sure to come if you are interested in signing up for a subcommittee, as signups will start next Monday.
If you are not able to join us in person next Monday, please feel free to join us on Zoom!
Zoom Link: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/96705375240
Meeting ID: 967 0537 5240
Membership Dues: Dues for the year are $10. Paying these gains you access to joining the committee meetings, special events (field trips and social events), makes you a first consideration when applying for E-Board, allows you to put “Active Member of WiB” on your resume, and access to the WiB Membership Packet. You can do this one of two ways:
Venmo @IsenbergWiB with your full name and UMass Email
Bring cash to our next meeting and sign excel sheet at end of meeting!
Membership Points:We value your dedication to us! As a reward, for all the clubs and events you attend, you will earn points throughout the semester. These points can help you maintainactive membership status (15 pts a semester), earn special prizes at the end of the semester, and give you an upper hand when applying for eboard positions in the future!
This year membership points are as follows:
General Body Meetings: In Person- 2 points
General Body Meetings: On Zoom- 1 point
Committee Meetings- 2 points
Committee Events- 3 points
Social Events- 3 points
Peer Mentorship Events- 3 points
Workshops and Information Sessions- 3 points
We can't wait to see you all next week!
As a reminder, all are welcome at our WiB meetings, regardless of your major- so make sure to bring your friends and anyone else interested in joining.
If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events and opportunities.
UMass Opportunities
Isenberg Career Day: Interested in interning this summer or practicing your networking skills? Attend the Isenberg School of Management Career Day on September 24 and 25th from 11am-3pm in the Campus Center Auditorium.