Embracing Creativity Within the Corporate World

By: Yasha Devate

In a world void of superheroes and instead full of fast-paced technological advancement and innovation, the journey for competitive edge and market power has become the modern-day hero's adventure for most corporations. However, within the bustling corporate world, where efficiency, productivity, and relentless advancement often dominate the conversation, sometimes a culture of creativity can be a company's secret weapon. Forgotten by many in the pursuit of operational excellence and profit margins, creativity holds the key to unlocking brand potential, profit surplus, innovation, and fostering sustainable growth.

However, simply explaining isn’t as efficient as giving specific examples - a prominent one being Zara. Using creativity in the form of cultural exchange and market research, Zara has allowed its ‘fast fashion’ brand to expand, the principles of growth and innovation embedded in every aspect of the company’s work. Instead of looking into what’s trending in the market currently, Zara pushes its employees to look beyond and understand what will occur in the future and how to pander to that. By planning and extending past boundaries to churn out new and innovative designs that resonate with customers everywhere, Zara has allowed their brand name to grow extensively.  

Alongside this, unlike many traditional companies, where employees are given a specific team and are stuck in singular departments, Zara follows a cycle system in which there is a constant switching of team members. Said to drive continuous improvement and foster creative ideas within trends, Zara believes that this constant switch allows the company to embrace the diverse array of skills and viewpoints among its staff. This approach fosters collaboration across all departments and inspires creativity throughout the organization - and is one of the primary reasons the company is able to beat out competitors in this “all for one” economy. 

As portrayed by Zara and many other top brands, creativity isn't just limited to artistic expression or design. Actually, it’s more about thinking differently, challenging norms, and finding novel solutions to complex problems. By allowing employees to feel confident, empowered, and supported enough to take risks and challenge operational norms, companies will be able to foster an environment rich with growth and collaboration. Netflix is one of the prime examples of this mentality and a major player in the field of creativity and consumer trends. 

While initially trashed and belittled, Netflix has managed to build its empire, rising into the sky with its excellent customer service, creative content, and trend management. With a high focus on data being supported by innovation, the company ensures that consumers are both entertained by their long-tailed selection and so accustomed to the site that the switching cost is too high to leave. If the company had continued to grow and develop the same products as most other companies at that time, it wouldn’t have reached the level of success that it has currently. It’s this mentality and culture which is what allowed them to beat out Blockbuster during the early days, and continue to improve against other streaming services.

Moving past profit-driven achievements, embracing creativity within the workforce also allows employees a bigger opportunity to contribute to their jobs in another manner. In fact, there are multiple studies stating that employees who feel like they’re making a bigger impact on their company have more loyalty, motivation, and engagement within their company, as work cultures that celebrate creativity and difference allow people a sense of belonging and purpose, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction, and overall productivity.

Thinking outside of the box simply doesn’t cut it. It’s when a company truly pushes past societal norms and embraces creativity as a form of creation (whether that be regarding products, clients, advertising, etc.) that innovation is able to progress. Therefore, in today’s society, creativity isn't just a competitive advantage - it's an important factor in staying relevant and thriving in the long-run economy.

Alongside singular company benefits, embracing creativity in the workforce also has extensive benefits for society as a whole. Encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving abilities within the workforce can help organizations develop a more capable and critical team of employees. This, in turn, makes people naturally more equipped to tackle the challenges they encounter during their lives, and open to understanding other perspectives – a concept which is especially important, in today’s age of globalization and interconnectedness. 

Next Week: "Personal Finance with SWS!"

Happy Wednesday! 

We hope you enjoyed the long weekend, and if you were able to, thank you for joining us last night for our external event with Liberty Mutual's Alyssa Nogueira! She led us through an exercise to test our current mindsets and shared some helpful tips for how to develop a growth mindset in school, our future careers, and our personal lives. Thanks, Alyssa!

As a reminder, our next meeting will be held on Monday, April 22nd at 7pm in Mahar Auditorium. This meeting will be all about personal finance put on by the Smart Women Securities Club! SWS is a club on campus whose mission is to educate undergraduate women on finance and investments! Their presentation will include some incredibly valuable advice on how to set yourself up for success financially. All are welcome to join, regardless of what your current familiarity with finance is -- don't miss it!


  • Marketing: The next marketing committee meeting will be "Mastering Networking" TONIGHT April 17th at 7:30 pm in Isenberg 117!

  • Peer Mentorship + Community Service: The next event is a Peer Mentorship x CommServ campus cleanup competition! We will meet at Isenberg on Sunday, April 21st at 11 am and teams will be created. Each team will be provided with trash bags. All teams will return to Isenberg at 12:30 pm, and the team with the most amount of trash will win a prize!


  • Podcast: "Out of Office (with WiB)" Episode 18, "Career Guidance w/ Jan Goodman (Botanical Boss)" is hosted by our director of Marketing, Lisa Freeley, and our Director of Communication, Megan Hoggins, featuring Jan Goodman the President of Boston Cityscapes! Stream on Spotify using this link, or on Apple Music using this link! If you are interested in being on the podcast, working behind the scenes, or just learning more, fill out this form!

  • Blog: Check out, "Treating Your Mind & Body as Separate Mechanisms" by Caroline Tierney, at this link! If you are interested in writing a blog, sign up here.

WiB Formal: Our formal is TOMORROW! Just a reminder the formal will be at the Monkey Bar in Amherst from 7:30-10:30 pm. Please check your email for a message from Camryn Buanacore with important information about the event!

E-Board Applications: Our 2024-2025 E-Board Applications are open! We encourage members who are dedicated to WiB, and willing to devote their time to contributing new ideas, to apply. Being a member of our executive board is a great opportunity to get more involved on campus, work with an incredible group of women, and make a difference in our club! All majors and grade levels are invited to apply. We are so excited to see your applications! Check out the position descriptions here and apply here by 11:59 on Friday, April 19th. Reach out to isenbergwib@gmail.com with any questions. 

Spring-Cleaning Thrift Store Fundraiser: In celebration of Earth Day, WiB will be tabling in the Student Union on April 22nd from 10am - 2pm hosting a pop-up thrift store! If you have any extra clothes lying around feel free to bring them to the Isenberg Hub on Friday, April 19th from 12-3 pm (someone will be there collecting). If you don't have clothes to donate just come shop our thrift store, clothes will be heavily marked down and there will definitely be some great finds! Proceeds will go towards lowering the cost of events and opening them up to more members. 



If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events, and opportunities. 

Have a comment or concern? Please fill out this anonymous feedback/report form

UMass Opportunities

  • Minutemen Fixed Income Fund: Fall 2024 Junior Analyst Program applications are now open. The Minutemen Fixed Income Fund is a student-run credit research fund that strives to fill the gap in traditional undergraduate curriculum through its focus on the credit market. Applications will be open until 11:59 P.M. on Friday, April 19th. First-year UMass Amherst students of all majors are encouraged to apply by the deadline, download the application here, and email in their completed applications to MFIF. 

  • Smart Women Securities Guest Speaker: SWS is hosting Julia Mines for a session on the topic of confidence called "'Just Do It!' A Workshop for Women in Optimizing Confidence" on Sunday, April 21st from 6-7pm in Isenberg 106.  

Additional Opportunities

  • Citi Freshman Discovery Program: The Freshman Discovery program is a workshop dedicated to helping students learn about career paths in finance, gain technical skills, and kick off career planning. This event will be held virtually on Wednesday, May 15, Thursday, May 16, and Friday, May 17, 2024. Open to undergraduate students graduating December 2026-June 2027. Applications are open here!

Tomorrow: No Meeting!

Happy Sunday! 

Thank you again for joining us on Monday for our meeting with wonderful WiB alumni Leigh Loughlin of LEGO! Leigh spoke about her experience in the world of e-commerce, as well as her journey through various careers. It was inspiring to hear about the different paths to success and how there is no one right way to get where you want to go. 

As a reminder, we will NOT be meeting tomorrow due to Patriots Day. We will instead be hosting an external event with Liberty Mutual called "Developing a Growth Mindset" on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30 pm in Isenberg 108. Our next general body meeting will be "Personal Finance with SWS" on Monday, April 22nd at 7pm in Mahar Auditorium. They will be hosting a presentation on personal finance and will share incredibly valuable advice on how to set yourself up for success financially -- don't miss it!


  • Marketing: The next marketing committee meeting will be "Mastering Networking" on Wednesday, April 17th at 7:30pm in Isenberg 117!

  • Peer Mentorship: The next event is a Peer Mentorship x CommServ campus cleanup competition! We will meet at Isenberg on Sunday, April 21st at 11 am and teams will be created. Each team will be provided with trash bags. All teams will return to Isenberg at 12:30 pm, and the team with the most amount of trash will win a prize!

  • Community Service: The last CommServ meeting of the semester will be Wednesday, May 1st at 7:30pm in Isenberg 124!


  • Podcast:  "Out of Office (with WiB)" Episode 18, "Career Guidance w/ Jan Goodman (Botanical Boss)" is hosted by our director of Marketing, Lisa Freeley, and our Director of Communication, Megan Hoggins, featuring Jan Goodman the President of Boston Cityscapes! Stream on Spotify using this link, or on Apple Music using this link! If you are interested in being on the podcast, working behind the scenes, or just learning more, fill out this form!

  • Blog: Check out, "Treating Your Mind & Body as Separate Mechanisms" by Caroline Tierney, at this link! If you are interested in writing a blog, sign up here.

E-Board Applications: Our 2024-2025 E-Board Applications are open! We encourage members who are dedicated to WiB, and willing to devote their time to contributing new ideas, to apply. Being a member of our executive board is a great opportunity to get more involved on campus, work with an incredible group of women, and make a difference in our club! All majors and grade levels are invited to apply. We are so excited to see your applications! Check out the position descriptions here and apply here by 11:59 on Friday, April 19th. Reach out to isenbergwib@gmail.com with any questions. 

Spring-Cleaning Thrift Store Fundraiser: In celebration of Earth Day, WiB will be tabling in the Student Union on April 22nd from 10am 2pm hosting a pop-up thrift store! If you have any extra clothes lying around feel free to bring them to our meeting on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30 pm OR Friday, April 19th from 12-3 pm in the Hub (someone will be there collecting). If you don't have clothes to donate just come shop our thrift store, clothes will be heavily marked down and there will definitely be some great finds! Proceeds will go towards lowering the cost of events and opening them up to more members. 

If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events, and opportunities.

Have a comment or concern? Please don't hesitate to fill out this anonymous feedback/report form.  

UMass Opportunities

  • Minutemen Fixed Income Fund: Fall 2024 Junior Analyst Program applications are now open. The Minutemen Fixed Income Fund is a student-run credit research fund that strives to fill the gap in traditional undergraduate curriculum through its focus on the credit market. Applications will be open until 11:59 P.M. on Friday, April 19th. First-year UMass Amherst students of all majors are encouraged to apply by the deadline, download the application here, and email completed applications.  

  • Smart Women Securities Guest Speaker: SWS is hosting Julia Mines for a session on the topic of confidence called "'Just Do It!' A Workshop for Women in Optimizing Confidence" on Sunday, April 21st from 6-7pm in Isenberg 106.  

Other Opportunities

  • Citi Freshman Discovery Program: The Freshman Discovery program is a workshop dedicated to helping students learn about career paths in finance, gain technical skills, and kick off career planning. This event will be held virtually on Wednesday, May 15, Thursday, May 16, and Friday, May 17, 2024. Open to undergraduate students graduating December 2026-June 2027. Applications are open here!

Why Bravery Should be a Highly-Desired Attribute

By: Elise Porter

I am a recruiter for a Fortune 500 company. My day kicks off bright and early with a stroll from my home to the Manhattan skyscraper that serves as my office. Armed with a cup of coffee, I settle in at my desk where my laptop awaits, ready to unveil the list of applicants lined up for interviews. While they all express similar levels of experience and impressive skill sets, they're about to perform another critical phase of the hiring process that is just as important: the behavioral interview. Following these conversations, I will be able to differentiate who is the best fit, and who might be better with another role. All of the potential candidates have the hard skills needed to be a successful employee, and will be able to learn as the tasks advance over time. However, technical skills are not enough to win yourself a job. So when looking for the best fit for our company, we will look towards their personalities, and decide who might provide a valuable asset to our team.

I am not actually a recruiter for a Fortune 500 company. I'm a college freshman, who has just started embarking on my journey into the professional world. But if that scenario were real, and I found myself conducting those interviews, I know precisely which traits I'd be seeking.

In a 2023 article published by Forbes, they identified the top five power skills employers seek: communication, customer service, leadership, attention to detail, and collaboration. While these attributes are undeniably crucial, I'd argue that bravery deserves a spot on that list—a quality not typically thought of. Bravery can sometimes be misinterpreted as not having fears, but when I think of bravery I consider it being able to confront your fears and overcome them. The key difference being that everyone gets scared, but those who are brave have the ability to push past those daunting thoughts. Most often in a professional setting, this becomes the fear of failure. The reluctance to apply for a job or request a promotion stems from the fear of rejection. However, if you never push past those trepidations and try, there isn’t any chance you will succeed. The most accomplished individuals confront many challenges and grow due to the ability to either navigate through the challenge, or learn from their mistakes. Companies that have the most success might have had to take the most significant risks, so being able to show the quality of moving past those fears is thus a trait I would look for if hiring new employees.

Especially when looking forward to all business industries in the next decade. We are in a vital transition period for technologies, to a future where AI will be adapted into most aspects of operation. This can be very daunting as it is an innovation that is unknown, and powerful enough to replace many human functions. If a company decides to shy away from this change, however, they will quickly fall behind their competitors. The most valued leaders will be those who bravely welcome these new technologies and learn how to use it advantageously. By doing so, they provide themselves a foundation and competitive advantage that could set them apart during this transition.

As much as I have explained why I believe that bravery is essential, you might be wondering how to practice this attribute. From my experience, the most effective way to enhance your bravery skills are by putting them into use. The next time that you feel fear taking over your thoughts, push through it. If you don’t take the initiative to complete tasks that scare you, someone else will pounce on your missed opportunity. Everyone has the ability to be brave, it simply just requires the self-discipline to not take the easy route and let your emotions dictate your actions. Most people will be facing the same fears that you are, however if you are the one to overcome the obstacle, that may differentiate you from the competition and land you a job in a Fortune 500 company, if so desired.

Perna, Mark C. “The Top 5 Power Skills Employers Are Looking for in 2023.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 12 Sept. 2023, www.forbes.com/sites/markcperna/2023/05/30/the-top-5-power-skills-employers-are-looking-for-in-2023/?sh=582926d528c1

Next Week: No Meeting!

Happy Wednesday! 

Thank you for joining us on Monday for our meeting with wonderful WiB alumni Leigh Loughlin of LEGO! Leigh spoke about her experience in the world of e-commerce, as well as her journey through various careers. It was inspiring to hear about the different paths to success and how there is no one right way to get where you want to go. She also gave out some pretty incredible LEGO sets. Thank you, Leigh!

As a reminder, we will NOT be meeting Monday due to Presidents Day. We will instead be hosting an external event with Liberty Mutual called "Developing a Growth Mindset" on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30 pm in Isenberg 108. Our next general body meeting will be "Personal Finance with SWS" on Monday, April 22nd at 7pm in Mahar Auditorium. They will be hosting a presentation on personal finance and will share incredibly valuable advice on how to set yourself up for success financially -- don't miss it!


  • Marketing: The next marketing committee meeting will be "Mastering Networking" on April 17th at 7:30 pm in Isenberg 117 (note the time change)!

  • Peer Mentorship: The next event is a Peer Mentorship x CommServ campus cleanup competition! We will meet at Isenberg on Sunday, April 21st at 11 am and teams will
    be created. Each team will be provided with trash bags. All teams will return to Isenberg at 12:30 pm, and the team with the most amount of trash will win a prize!

  • Community Service: The next meeting is TONIGHT Wednesday, April 10th at 7:30 pm in Isenberg 124! This will be a UMass Dance Marathon meeting, where CommServ will be making a basket for our UMDM team's miracle child, Adrianna! 


  • Podcast: "Out of Office (with WiB)" Episode 18, "Career Guidance w/ Jan Goodman (Botanical Boss)" is hosted by our director of Marketing, Lisa Freeley, and our Director of Communication, Megan Hoggins, featuring Jan Goodman the President of Boston Cityscapes! Stream on Spotify using this link, or on Apple Music using this link! If you are interested in being on the podcast, working behind the scenes, or just learning more, fill out this form!

  • Blog: Check out, "Treating Your Mind & Body as Separate Mechanisms" by Caroline Tierney, at this link! If you are interested in writing a blog, sign up here.

E-Board Applications: Our 2024-2025 E-Board Applications are open! We encourage members who are dedicated to WiB, and willing to devote their time to contributing new ideas, to apply. Being a member of our executive board is a great opportunity to get more involved on campus, work with an incredible group of women, and make a difference in our club! All majors and grade levels are invited to apply. We are so excited to see your applications! Check out the position descriptions here and apply here by 11:59 on Friday, April 19th. Reach out to isenbergwib@gmail.com with any questions. 

Spring-Cleaning Thrift Store Fundraiser: In celebration of Earth Day, WiB will be tabling in the Student Union on April 22nd from 10am 2pm hosting a pop-up thrift store! If you have any extra clothes lying around feel free to bring them to our meeting on Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30 pm OR Friday, April 19th from 12-3 pm in the Hub (someone will be there collecting). If you don't have clothes to donate just come shop our thrift store, clothes will be heavily marked down and there will definitely be some great finds! Proceeds will go towards lowering the cost of events and opening them up to more members. 

UMass Dance Marathon: The UMass Dance Marathon helps fundraise for Baystate Children's Hospital, and has been its leading donor for the last two years. Join our Women in Business team (or register on your own) through this linktree for the event on Saturday, April 13th. If you join our Women in Business team and use promo code "WiB" for free registration! You will also receive 1 membership point for signing up and 2 membership points for attending. 


If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events, and opportunities. 

Have a comment or concern? Please fill out this anonymous feedback/report form

UMass Opportunities

  • Minutemen Fixed Income Fund: Fall 2024 Junior Analyst Program applications are now open. The Minutemen Fixed Income Fund is a student-run credit research fund that strives to fill the gap in traditional undergraduate curriculum through its focus on the credit market. Applications will be open until 11:59 P.M. on Friday, April 19th. First-year UMass Amherst students of all majors are encouraged to apply by the deadline, download the application here, and email in their completed applications to MFIF. 

Additional Opportunities

  • Citizens Commercial Banking Overview: Attend the first installment of a four-part virtual Citizens Commercial Banking presentation series TONIGHT Wednesday, April 10th, from 6-7pm. This program is designed for college sophomores who are interested in exploring a career in Commercial Banking and/or a Summer 2025 internship with Citizens! RVSP here.

  • Aerodyne Environmental Justice Seminar: Aerodyne Research specializes in technology-enhancing science for the environment. On Friday, April 12th at 2pm they will be hosting an environmental justice seminar! Register here