NEXT WEEK: No Meeting

Happy Wednesday!!

We hope you all are having an excellent week!

Thank you again for meeting with us Monday and learning all about Cape Cod'r. Feel free to check out their website to see their locations and more information here. You can also connect with them on LinkedIn: Kevin O'Leary, Will Patch, and Taylor Bramhall.  If you are interested in working for them as a brand ambassador, please fill out this form. Being 21+ is prioritized, however it is not required.

If you happened to miss the meeting, don't fret and click here!

As a reminder, we will NOT be having a meeting next Monday before Thanksgiving. Our next general body meeting will be the following week, Monday, December 2nd at 7pm in Flavin Auditorium (Isenberg 137), This is going to be an exciting meeting hosted by our very own Co-Treasurer, Abbey Berry. She will be joined by Celine Coggins, who is the CEO of The Goodness Web. Join us for a Q&A session to hear about her journey to CEO, her amazing insights, and more! Make sure to come with questions as well as there will be time at the end.

Committee Meetings:

Marketing Committee: Please join marcom for Social Media 101 TODAY Wednesday, November 20th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, where you'll learn the ins and outs of social media. Sign up for the email list here.

Community Service Committee: The next comserv meeting will be Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, where you'll make holiday cards. Sign up for the email list here.

Peer Mentorship: The next peer mentorship event will be Saturday, December 7th, where it will be a fun Mall Trip! Stay tuned for more details. 


Podcast: Be sure to check out our newest Out of Office w/ WiB episode: "S. 2 Ep. 5 - Brianna Chickenfry Is a Girl Boss." In this episode, Callie and Megan dive into the drama surrounding Brianna Chickenfry and Zach Bryan and the overlying lessons we can learn from this. They delve deeper into standing up for yourself, having confidence, and owning your story. Be sure to check this fun episode out, you don't want to miss it. You can listen to it now on Spotify or Apple podcasts!

Blog: The next blog post is up! Check out, "Movies to Watch to Get Into the Holiday Spirit" by Annie Li here.

Hot Chocolate Run: Join us Sunday, December 8th in Northampton for the 21st Annual Hot Chocolate Run! This event supports Safe Passage, a Hampshire County organization that addresses domestic violence. This event is extremely important to the community, and we need your help to help make it happen! There are so many ways to get involved, whether it's volunteering like being a Race Course Marshall, or signing up to run/walk. If interested, please fill out this formhere. Make sure to put down WiB as your group, so we can all be placed together! After filling out the form, pleasealsofill out this formhere. This helps us keep track of  members going on our end and so we can ensure you're in our group.

Minute Fund: We are pleased to announce our Minute Fund! The MinuteFund is a UMass crowdfunding platform made for organizations like WiB to raise funds for events/opportunities. Check out our MinuteFund donation page here! The funds we raise will go toward lowering the price of events and allow us to open these events to more of our members! Help us out by sending emails to your family and friends! Our goal is to raise $4,000 by December 9th, 2024. Each member will receive +1 membership point for every five emails/texts they send promoting our MinuteFund. Fill out this form after sending your text/email to get credit.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to people.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to professors, alumni, or specific companies.


We hope you all have an amazing break and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

As a reminder, all are welcome at our WiB meetings, regardless of your major- so make sure to bring your friends and anyone else interested in joining.

If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events and opportunities. You can also add our calendar to your calendar at this link here to stay updated on all the events for the year!

UMass Opportunities

Women of Isenberg: The 2025 Women of Isenberg (WOI) Conference is an opportunity for students to connect with professionals to build support networks. The conference will be held on February 15th, 2025 at the UMass Amherst Campus Center Auditorium. Early bird pricing of $20 is now available until December 2nd. After 12/2 regular pricing will be $25. Register here!

Alliance for Women in Accounting: AWA is a club that provides guidance and support to undergraduate women in accounting and empowers undergraduate women to take on professional challenges in the field of accounting with confidence and determination. If you are interested in joining AWA (Alliance for Women in Accounting) and like to join the email list, please fill out this form.

Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council: Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (USAC) is looking for suggestions and recommendations for the betterment of our school and its students. USAC works directly with Dean Massey and Dean Fink to find ways to enhance our environment and uphold our reputation here at Isenberg. If you have any thoughts, ideas or questions please fill out this survey, here, they want to hear from you! 

Minutemen Marketing Group: The Minutemen Marketing Group is currently hiring! The MMG is a highly selective, student-run organization at the Isenberg School of Management, designed to offer dedicated undergraduates an advanced platform for professional development and the application of technical marketing skills. If interested, apply here.


Scholarship Opportunity: The New Face of Tech Scholarship Program is an invitation to young women to share their dreams in STEAM for the chance to win funding and mentorship from HARMAN executives. The Scholarship Program is 1DF and HARMAN’s ongoing partnership and commitment to funding and spotlighting those inspiring young women with big dreams in STEAM. Their goal is to address the importance of helping women early in their careers, to help level the playing field. If interested, apply here. Previous recipients are not eligible to reapply for this scholarship.  Applications are due November 22nd, 2024.

The Hanover Insurance Group: Are you looking for an internship this upcoming summer? The Hangover Insurance Group is still accepting applications to their summer internship program. They have various internships including operations, technology, and underwriting. If you're interested, you can click the links and apply today. The Hanover recruits on a rolling basis, so apply ASAP!

TOMORROW: No Meeting

Happy Sunday!!

We hope you all are having a fun weekend!

Thank you again for meeting with us this past Monday and learning all about Cape Cod'r. Again, please feel free to check out their website to see their locations and more information here or connect with them on LinkedIn: Kevin O'Leary, Will Patch, and Taylor Bramhall.  If you are interested in working for them as a brand ambassador, please fill out this form. Being 21+ is prioritized, however it is not required.

If you happened to miss the meeting, don't fret and click here!

As a reminder, there will be NO MEETING TOMORROW. Our next general body meeting will be after break, Monday, December 2nd at 7pm in Flavin Auditorium (Isenberg 137), This is going to be an amazing meeting hosted by our very own Co-Treasurer, Abbey Berry. She will be joined by Celine Coggins, who is the CEO of The Goodness Web. Join us for a Q&A session to hear about her journey to CEO, her amazing insights, and more! As always, make sure to come with questions as well as there will be time at the end.

Committee Meetings:

Marketing Committee: Thank you for joining us Wednesday to learn all about Social Media 101. Our last marcom meeting will be Wednesday, December 11th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, meeting topic TBD. Sign up for the email list here.

Community Service Committee: Our last comserv meeting will be Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, where you'll make holiday cards. Sign up for the email list here.

Peer Mentorship: The next peer mentorship event will be Saturday, December 7th, where it will be a fun Mall Trip! Stay tuned for more details. 


Podcast: Be sure to check out our newest Out of Office w/ WiB episode: "S. 2 Ep. 5 - Brianna Chickenfry Is a Girl Boss." In this episode, Callie and Megan dive into the drama surrounding Brianna Chickenfry and Zach Bryan and the overlying lessons we can learn from this. They delve deeper into standing up for yourself, having confidence, and owning your story. Be sure to check this fun episode out, you don't want to miss it. You can listen to it now on Spotify or Apple podcasts!

Blog: The next blog post is up! Check out, "Movies to Watch to Get Into the Holiday Spirit" by Annie Li here.

Hot Chocolate Run: Join us Sunday, December 8th in Northampton for the 21st Annual Hot Chocolate Run! This event supports Safe Passage, a Hampshire County organization that addresses domestic violence. This event is extremely important to the community, and we need your help to help make it happen! There are so many ways to get involved, whether it's volunteering like being a Race Course Marshall, or signing up to run/walk. If interested, please fill out this formhere. Make sure to put down WiB as your group, so we can all be placed together! After filling out the form, pleasealsofill out this formhere. This helps us keep track of  members going on our end and so we can ensure you're in our group.

Minute Fund: We are pleased to announce our Minute Fund! The MinuteFund is a UMass crowdfunding platform made for organizations like WiB to raise funds for events/opportunities. Check out our MinuteFund donation page here! The funds we raise will go toward lowering the price of events and allow us to open these events to more of our members! Help us out by sending emails to your family and friends! Our goal is to raise $4,000 by December 9th, 2024. Each member will receive +1 membership point for every five emails/texts they send promoting our MinuteFund. Fill out this form after sending your text/email to get credit.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to people.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to professors, alumni, or specific companies.


We hope you all have an amazing break and can't wait to see you next week!

As a reminder, all are welcome at our WiB meetings, regardless of your major- so make sure to bring your friends and anyone else interested in joining.

If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events and opportunities. You can also add our calendar to your calendar at this link here to stay updated on all the events for the year!

UMass Opportunities

Women of Isenberg: The 2025 Women of Isenberg (WOI) Conference is an opportunity for students to connect with professionals to build support networks. The conference will be held on February 15th, 2025 at the UMass Amherst Campus Center Auditorium. Early bird pricing of $20 is now available until December 2nd. After 12/2 regular pricing will be $25. Register here!

Alliance for Women in Accounting: AWA is a club that provides guidance and support to undergraduate women in accounting and empowers undergraduate women to take on professional challenges in the field of accounting with confidence and determination. If you are interested in joining AWA (Alliance for Women in Accounting) and like to join the email list, please fill out this form.

Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council: Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (USAC) is looking for suggestions and recommendations for the betterment of our school and its students. USAC works directly with Dean Massey and Dean Fink to find ways to enhance our environment and uphold our reputation here at Isenberg. If you have any thoughts, ideas or questions please fill out this survey, here, they want to hear from you! 

Minutemen Marketing Group: The Minutemen Marketing Group is currently hiring! The MMG is a highly selective, student-run organization at the Isenberg School of Management, designed to offer dedicated undergraduates an advanced platform for professional development and the application of technical marketing skills. If interested, apply here.


The Hanover Insurance Group: Are you looking for an internship this upcoming summer? The Hangover Insurance Group is still accepting applications to their summer internship program. They have various internships including operations, technology, and underwriting. If you're interested, you can click the links and apply today. The Hanover recruits on a rolling basis, so apply ASAP!

TOMORROW: WiB x Cape Cod'r

Happy Sunday!!

We hope you all are having an amazing weekend!

Thank you again for joining us on Tuesday at our fun study abroad meeting. If you missed it, here's the panelist's info if you have any more questions:

Our next meeting will be TOMORROW Monday, November 18th, at 7pm in Flavin Auditorium (Isenberg 137). This will be an exciting meeting with Cape Cod’r, a Craft Cocktail company that our lovely Co-President Bella interned with over the summer! During this meeting, we will discuss entrepreneurship, following your dreams, and the importance of variety when building your resume with Kevin O’Leary and Taylor Bramhall.

If you are not able to join us in person next Monday, please feel free to join us on Zoom!

Zoom Link: 
Meeting ID: 967 0537 5240

Networking Night: Please join us Tuesday, November 19th 7-8pm in Isenberg room N135. This is going to a really exciting meeting collaborating with Women of Isenberg that you won't want to miss!

Committee Meetings:

Marketing Committee: The next marcom meeting will be THIS Wednesday, November 20th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, topic TBD. Sign up for the email list here.

Community Service Committee: The next comserv meeting will be Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, topic TBD. Sign up for the email list here.

Peer Mentorship: Thank you everyone for coming to our class selection meeting! Stay tuned for our next meeting!


Podcast: Be sure to check out our newest Out of Office w/ WiB episode: "S. 2 Ep. 4 - Tips We Wish We Knew as an Underclassman w/ Patricia." Patricia is an honors junior studying Marketing and is also the Vice President of Operations & Event Management for the Women of Isenberg Conference. In this episode, she shares valuable insights on resources and tips for navigating your college career. Be sure to check this amazing episode out, you don't want to miss it. You can listen to it now on Spotify or Apple podcasts!

Blog: The next blog post is up! Check out, "The Power of 1%" by Harper Sweeney here.

Minute Fund: We are pleased to announce our Minute Fund! The MinuteFund is a UMass crowdfunding platform made for organizations like WiB to raise funds for events/opportunities. Check out our MinuteFund donation page here! The funds we raise will go toward lowering the price of events and allow us to open these events to more of our members! Help us out by sending emails to your family and friends! Our goal is to raise $4,000 by December 9th, 2024. Each member will receive +1 membership point for every five emails/texts they send promoting our MinuteFund. Fill out this form after sending your text/email to get credit.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to people.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to professors, alumni, or specific companies.


We can't wait to see you tomorrow!

As a reminder, all are welcome at our WiB meetings, regardless of your major- so make sure to bring your friends and anyone else interested in joining.

If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events and opportunities. You can also add our calendar to your calendar at this link here to stay updated on all the events for the year!

UMass Opportunities

Women of Isenberg: The 2025 Women of Isenberg (WOI) Conference is an opportunity for students to connect with professionals to build support networks. The conference will be held on February 15th, 2025 at the UMass Amherst Campus Center Auditorium. Early bird pricing of $20 is now available until December 2nd. After 12/2 regular pricing will be $25. Register here!

Alliance for Women in Accounting: AWA is a club that provides guidance and support to undergraduate women in accounting and empowers undergraduate women to take on professional challenges in the field of accounting with confidence and determination. If you are interested in joining AWA (Alliance for Women in Accounting) and like to join the email list, please fill out this form.

Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council: Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (USAC) is looking for suggestions and recommendations for the betterment of our school and its students. USAC works directly with Dean Massey and Dean Fink to find ways to enhance our environment and uphold our reputation here at Isenberg. If you have any thoughts, ideas or questions please fill out this survey, here, they want to hear from you! 

Minutemen Marketing Group: The Minutemen Marketing Group is currently hiring! The MMG is a highly selective, student-run organization at the Isenberg School of Management, designed to offer dedicated undergraduates an advanced platform for professional development and the application of technical marketing skills. If interested, apply here.

Minutemen Equity Fund: The Minutemen Equity Fund (MEF) has opened applications for their Spring 2025 Junior Analyst Program! They are a completely student-run undergraduate investment fund that manages $440,000 of real money invested across US stocks. As a junior analyst in the fund, you will be paired with and mentored by a senior analyst where you will learn the core quantitative and qualitative skills on how to analyze a business and its corresponding stock. This will include things like financial modeling, in-depth data analysis, understanding the competitive landscape of an industry, and more. Additionally, junior analysts will be guided through the process of how to land selective jobs on Wall Street or other competitive roles within or outside of finance. This is grounded in learning how to build a great resume and cover letter, how to network with professionals, and more. All interested freshmen are encouraged to apply! Applications are due tomorrow, November 19th at 11:59PM. You can learn more about MEF through their website or LinkedIn. Please feel free to reach out to our email ( with any questions! If interested, apply here.


Scholarship Opportunity: The New Face of Tech Scholarship Program is an invitation to young women to share their dreams in STEAM for the chance to win funding and mentorship from HARMAN executives. The Scholarship Program is 1DF and HARMAN’s ongoing partnership and commitment to funding and spotlighting those inspiring young women with big dreams in STEAM. Their goal is to address the importance of helping women early in their careers, to help level the playing field. If interested, apply here. Previous recipients are not eligible to reapply for this scholarship.  Applications are due November 22nd, 2024.

The Hanover Insurance Group: Are you looking for an internship this upcoming summer? The Hangover Insurance Group is still accepting applications to their summer internship program. They have various internships including operations, technology, and underwriting. If you're interested, you can click the links and apply today. The Hanover recruits on a rolling basis, so apply ASAP!

NEXT WEEK: WiB x Cape Cod'r

Happy Wednesday!!

Thank you so much for joining us yesterday at our fun study abroad meeting. We loved sharing all our insights on our journeys abroad and answering all of your questions!

Here's the panelist's info if you have any more questions:

Our next meeting will be Monday, November 18th, at 7pm in Flavin Auditorium (Isenberg 137). This will be an exciting meeting with Cape Cod’r, a Craft Cocktail company that our lovely Co-President Bella interned with over the summer! During this meeting, we will discuss entrepreneurship, following your dreams, and the importance of variety when building your resume with Kevin O’Leary and Taylor Bramhall.

If you are not able to join us in person next Monday, please feel free to join us on Zoom!

Zoom Link: 
Meeting ID: 967 0537 5240

Headshot Fundraiser: Are you in need of a professional headshot? This is the perfect opportunity to get one done before applying for internships and perfecting your LinkedIn profile! Join us for a HeadShot fundraiser hosted by our Directors of Fundraising, Ellie and Ellie, and our Historian Yasha! This will take place THIS Friday, November 15th, in the Isenberg Hub from 11 am-2pm. Headshots are $5 per person. You do not have to be a WiB member or in Isenberg to come, all are welcome!

Committee Meetings:

Marketing Committee: The next marcom meeting will be Wednesday, November 20th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, topic TBD. Sign up for the email list here.

Community Service Committee: The next comserv meeting will be Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, topic TBD. Sign up for the email list here.

Peer Mentorship: The next meeting will be a Class Selection meeting TODAY Wednesday, November 13th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145. This is gonna be an exciting meeting where you'll be able to ask any questions on classes or courseload that you have. Make sure to let your mentor know if you can't make it!


Podcast: Be sure to check out our newest Out of Office w/ WiB episode: "S. 2 Ep. 4 - Tips We Wish We Knew as an Underclassman w/ Patricia." Patricia is an honors junior studying Marketing and is also the Vice President of Operations & Event Management for the Women of Isenberg Conference. In this episode, she shares valuable insights on resources and tips for navigating your college career. Be sure to check this amazing episode out, you don't want to miss it. You can listen to it now on Spotify or Apple podcasts!

Blog: The next blog post is up! Check out, "The Power of 1%" by Harper Sweeney here.

Minute Fund: We are pleased to announce our Minute Fund! The MinuteFund is a UMass crowdfunding platform made for organizations like WiB to raise funds for events/opportunities, and our very own launched last Friday! Check out our MinuteFund donation page here! The funds we raise will go toward lowering the price of events and allow us to open these events to more of our members! Help us out by sending emails to your family and friends! Our goal is to raise $4,000 by December 9th, 2024. Each member will receive +1 membership point for every five emails/texts they send promoting our MinuteFund. Fill out this form after sending your text/email to get credit.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to people.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to professors, alumni, or specific companies.


We can't wait to see you next week!

As a reminder, all are welcome at our WiB meetings, regardless of your major- so make sure to bring your friends and anyone else interested in joining.

If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events and opportunities. You can also add our calendar to your calendar at this link here to stay updated on all the events for the year!

UMass Opportunities

Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council: Isenberg's Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (USAC) is looking for suggestions and recommendations for the betterment of our school and its students. USAC works directly with Dean Massey and Dean Fink to find ways to enhance our environment and uphold our reputation here at Isenberg. If you have any thoughts, ideas or questions please fill out this survey, here, they want to hear from you! 

Minutemen Marketing Group: The Minutemen Marketing Group is currently hiring! The MMG is a highly selective, student-run organization at the Isenberg School of Management, designed to offer dedicated undergraduates an advanced platform for professional development and the application of technical marketing skills. If interested, apply here.

Minutemen Equity Fund: The Minutemen Equity Fund (MEF) has opened applications for their Spring 2025 Junior Analyst Program! They are a completely student-run undergraduate investment fund that manages $440,000 of real money invested across US stocks. As a junior analyst in the fund, you will be paired with and mentored by a senior analyst where you will learn the core quantitative and qualitative skills on how to analyze a business and its corresponding stock. This will include things like financial modeling, in-depth data analysis, understanding the competitive landscape of an industry, and more. Additionally, junior analysts will be guided through the process of how to land selective jobs on Wall Street or other competitive roles within or outside of finance. This is grounded in learning how to build a great resume and cover letter, how to network with professionals, and more. All interested freshmen are encouraged to apply! Applications are due by November 19th at 11:59PM. You can learn more about MEF through their website or LinkedIn. Please feel free to reach out to our email ( with any questions! If interested, apply here.


Scholarship Opportunity: The New Face of Tech Scholarship Program is an invitation to young women to share their dreams in STEAM for the chance to win funding and mentorship from HARMAN executives. The Scholarship Program is 1DF and HARMAN’s ongoing partnership and commitment to funding and spotlighting those inspiring young women with big dreams in STEAM. Their goal is to address the importance of helping women early in their careers, to help level the playing field. If interested, apply here. Previous recipients are not eligible to reapply for this scholarship.  Applications are due November 22nd, 2024.

The Hanover Insurance Group: Are you looking for an internship this upcoming summer? The Hangover Insurance Group is still accepting applications to their summer internship program. They have various internships including operations, technology, and underwriting. If you're interested, you can click the links and apply today. The Hanover recruits on a rolling basis, so apply ASAP!

TUESDAY: WiB WorldWide

Happy Sunday!!

We hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Just another reminder that there will be NO MEETING TOMORROW due to Veteran's Day. Instead, we are hosting a WiB World Wide meeting THIS Tuesday, November 12th, at 7 p.m. in Isenberg room N135. This is going to be such an informative meeting where some of our E-Board members will be sharing their experiences abroad! If you are interested in studying abroad or just learning more, you won't want to miss this one. Please bring any questions you have regarding studying abroad!

Our next general body meeting will be next Monday, November 18th, at 7pm in Flavin Auditorium (Isenberg 137). This will be an exciting meeting with Cape Cod’r, a Craft Cocktail company that our lovely Co-President Bella interned with over the summer! During this meeting, we will discuss entrepreneurship, following your dreams, and the importance of variety when building your resume with Kevin O’Leary and Taylor Bramhall.

Committee Meetings:

Marketing Committee: Thank you to everyone who came last Wednesday to our Marketing Major Night. The next marcom meeting will be Wednesday, November 20th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, topic TBD. Sign up for the email list here.

Community Service Committee: The next comserv meeting will be Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145, topic TBD. Sign up for the email list here.

Peer Mentorship: The next meeting will be a Class Selection meeting THIS Wednesday, November 13th at 7pm in Isenberg room N145. This is gonna be an exciting meeting where you'll get advice on what classes to take, Make sure to let your mentor know if you can't make it!


Podcast: Be sure to check out our newest Out of Office w/ WiB episode: "S. 2 Ep. 4 - Tips We Wish We Knew as an Underclassman w/ Patricia." Patricia is an honors junior studying Marketing and is also the Vice President of Operations & Event Management for the Women of Isenberg Conference. In this episode, she shares valuable insights on resources and tips for navigating your college career. Be sure to check this amazing episode out, you don't want to miss it. You can listen to it now on Spotify or Apple podcasts!

Blog: The next blog post is up! Check out, "The Power of 1%" by Harper Sweeney here.

Minute Fund: We are pleased to announce our Minute Fund! The MinuteFund is a UMass crowdfunding platform made for organizations like WiB to raise funds for events/opportunities, and our very own launched last Friday! Check out our MinuteFund donation page here! The funds we raise will go toward lowering the price of events and allow us to open these events to more of our members! Help us out by sending emails to your family and friends! Our goal is to raise $4,000 by December 9th, 2024. Each member will receive +1 membership point for every five emails/texts they send promoting our MinuteFund. Fill out this form after sending your text/email to get credit.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to people.

  • Feel free to use THIS template when reaching out to professors, alumni, or specific companies.


We can't wait to see you this Tuesday!

As a reminder, all are welcome at our WiB meetings, regardless of your major- so make sure to bring your friends and anyone else interested in joining.

If you would like to learn more about WiB, check out our website and follow our Instagram (@IsenbergWiB), where we post regular updates about meetings, events and opportunities. You can also add our calendar to your calendar at this link here to stay updated on all the events for the year!

UMass Opportunities

Minutemen Marketing Group: The Minutemen Marketing Group is currently hiring! The MMG is a highly selective, student-run organization at the Isenberg School of Management, designed to offer dedicated undergraduates an advanced platform for professional development and the application of technical marketing skills. If interested, apply here.

Minutemen Equity Fund: The Minutemen Equity Fund (MEF) has opened applications for their Spring 2025 Junior Analyst Program! They are a completely student-run undergraduate investment fund that manages $440,000 of real money invested across US stocks. As a junior analyst in the fund, you will be paired with and mentored by a senior analyst where you will learn the core quantitative and qualitative skills on how to analyze a business and its corresponding stock. This will include things like financial modeling, in-depth data analysis, understanding the competitive landscape of an industry, and more. Additionally, junior analysts will be guided through the process of how to land selective jobs on Wall Street or other competitive roles within or outside of finance. This is grounded in learning how to build a great resume and cover letter, how to network with professionals, and more. All interested freshmen are encouraged to apply! Applications are due by November 19th at 11:59PM. You can learn more about MEF through their website or LinkedIn. Please feel free to reach out to our email ( with any questions! If interested, apply here.

External Opportunities

Goldman Sachs: Goldman Sachs is excited to invite you to the firm’s 2025 Possibilities Summits virtual program. This is open to first-year undergraduates, and throughout this program, you’ll work on expanding your personal network, cultivating top industry skills, and exploring the wealth of opportunities available at Goldman Sachs. If interested, apply here. They also have one more upcoming Alumni panel to learn more information on November 13th (5-5:45 pm).

The Hanover Insurance Group: Are you looking for an internship this upcoming summer? The Hangover Insurance Group is still accepting applications to their summer internship program. They have various internships including operations, technology, and underwriting. If you're interested, you can click the links and apply today. The Hanover recruits on a rolling basis, so apply ASAP!

CVS Health Management Internship: Interested in interning at CVS in the future? We are pleased to invite you to attend an exclusive virtual General Management Development Program panel. Here you will hear directly from colleagues across the enterprise and learn more about our 2025 GMDP. This will take place THIS Tuesday, November 12th from 4-5pm EST. If interested, register here.