Dean Anne Massey Tomorrow!

Happy Sunday!

Join us tomorrow, Monday, March 7th, at 7pm in Isenberg 137 (Flavin Auditorium), where Dean Anne Massey will be joining us for our first meeting of Women's History Month! This is a very important meeting where Dean Massey will be giving an introduction to her background and answering some questions! Please come prepared with questions and be ready to participate in our discussion.

We will be live streaming on Zoom for our virtual members to attend:

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:
922 9958 0036

WiB Boston Networking Trip - As of right now, all spots are filled but please still sign up here to be put on the waitlist as we anticipate some people may drop out. More information will be emailed to those who have signed up, so keep an eye out for an email soon.

Why WiB Wednesday - Fill out this form to be featured on the Instagram for "Why WiB Wednesday"! We want to show off our members by sharing what they love most about being a part of WiB!

Peer Mentorship Program - Our first event of the semester, will be held this Wednesday, March 9th, at 7:00 PM in the Hub! This will be a welcome-back meeting with fun bingo games!

Committee Sign-Ups and Reminders:

  • Fundraising Committee - To sign up for the fundraising committee, click here!

  • Community Service Committee - Please sign up here for the community service committee! Our next meeting will be this Wednesday, March 9th, at 7:00 PM!

  • Marketing Committee - Sign up here for the marketing committee. Our next meeting is this Thursday, March 10th, at 7:00 PM where we will be talking about how to improve your mornings and the benefits of a 10-minute meditation!

Be sure to follow our social media accounts for more frequent updates, Instagram specifically (@IsenbergWiB), and check out our website here!

Additional Opportunities

Womxn of Color
There is an upcoming Isenberg event called Womxn of Color Survival Guide: Navigating Space, Place & Professionalism happening on March 23rd from 5:30 - 7:00 PM in the Flavin Auditorium (Room 137). This event provides a space to discuss how intersecting identities shape the experience of Womxn of Color at work. Tips will be provided on how to navigate and disrupt traditional notions of professionalism. Please click here to view panelists and register!

AlphaSights is looking to hire bilingual students for a variety of roles. International students are encouraged to apply! AlphaSights is looking for language speakers interested in launching a client-facing career on a dynamic, global team. They will be holding an AlphaSights Webinar: Applying Your Language Skills in an International Environment on March 8th, from 5:00 - 6:00 PM. Please register here.

John Hancock Virtual Career Fairs
John Hancock is hosting two virtual career fairs in March, on the 8th and 23rd. They will be discussing their internship opportunities in addition to their full-time post-graduate opportunities as well. Please see this graphic for more information.

Career Hub Events Over Spring Break
The Career Hub and Mount Ida Campus in Newton, MA are hosting this event for UMass students over Spring Break on Wednesday, March 16th, between 3:00 - 7:30 PM. The first event is a Boston Area Employers Internship Fair where Boston area businesses across many industries are hiring Summer interns, Fall interns, and Co-ops. This event will be held from 3:00 - 5:00 PM on March 16th. For more information and to register, please click here.

Following the internship fair, there will be a Night of Connections: UMass students & Alumni Meet-up, which is an opportunity for students across all majors to meet up with UMass Amherst Alumni across 11 different industries. The alumni attending will be each representing specializations aligned with each of the Career Community Groups found on Connect UMass. To learn more about which Career Communities align best with your interests, sign up for Connect UMass and click "Groups" at the top of the page: For more information and to register, please click here - space is limited.

Women Entrepreneurship UMass
Women Entrepreneurship (WE) is a non-profit organization that promotes entrepreneurship among young women and offers entrepreneurship programs at leading academic institutions. WE UMass meets weekly on Wednesdays at 8 PM over Zoom. Our meetings feature entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders in a variety of industries that speak to us about building a personal brand, marketing and fundraising for a business, or sharing their stories. This semester you can look forward to three different panels on Food Tech, BioTech, and Fashion. To learn more, please sign up for their email list here.

iXperience is a study abroad program that focuses on teaching skills combined with an internship and doing it in beautiful locations around the world such as Lisbon, Costa Rica, or Cape Town. For two years they haven’t been able to offer travel programs, but they are now back. They have figured out how to give you a safe travel experience and boost your career at the same time. They have had over 2500 students do their programs of which 30% are working at Fortune 500 companies. Explore their website and see everything they offer.

Honors Thesis Survey
One of our members is currently working on her honors thesis, where she will be analyzing gender disparity on Wall Street. She has created an undergraduate survey in order to analyze the differences and connections between different genders and decision-making/risk-taking preferences. If you would like to take the survey to help one of our members out, please click here. It should take ~5 minutes to complete.

Dean Anne Massey Next Meeting!

Happy Women's History Month!

Please take the time to read about what Women's History Month is, why it's important, and how you can celebrate on our Instagram!

Thank you to everyone who came to Monday's meeting where Dave Wells presented on how to maintain a work-life balance. We loved hearing everyone's personal experiences and hope this has inspired you to learn when to say no, and that it's ok to do so!

Next Monday, March 7th, at 7pm in Isenberg 137 (Flavin Auditorium), Dean Anne Massey will be joining us for our first meeting of Women's History Month! This is a very important meeting where Dean Massey will be giving an introduction to her background and answering some questions! Please come prepared with questions and be ready to participate in our discussion.

We will be live streaming on Zoom for our virtual members to attend:

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:
922 9958 0036

WiB Boston Networking Trip - As of right now, all spots are filled but please still sign up here to be put on the waitlist as we anticipate some people may drop out. More information will be emailed to those who have signed up, so keep an eye out for an email soon.

Why WiB Wednesday - Fill out this form to be featured on the Instagram for "Why WiB Wednesday"! We want to show off our members by sharing what they love most about being a part of WiB!

Peer Mentorship Program - Our first event of the semester, will be held next Wednesday, March 9th, at 7:00 PM in the Hub! This will be a welcome-back meeting with fun bingo games!

Committee Sign-Ups and Reminders:

  • Fundraising Committee - To sign up for the fundraising committee, click here! Our next meeting will be this Thursday, March 3rd, at 6:00 PM via Zoom!

  • Community Service Committee - Please sign up here for the community service committee! Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, March 9th, at 7:00 PM!

  • Marketing Committee - Sign up here for the marketing committee. Our next meeting is next Thursday, March 10th, at 7:00 PM where we will be talking about how to improve your mornings and the benefits of a 10-minute meditation!

Watch Last Week's Meeting by Clicking Here:

Be sure to follow our social media accounts for more frequent updates, Instagram specifically (@IsenbergWiB), and check out our website here!

Additional Opportunities

John Hancock Virtual Career Fairs
John Hancock is hosting two virtual career fairs in March, on the 8th and 23rd. They will be discussing their internship opportunities in addition to their full-time post-graduate opportunities as well. Please see this graphic for more information.

UMass PR Club Event
Join the UMass PR club on Thursday, March 3rd from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Journalism Hub (ILC, fourth floor) for a featured talk with Diane Schwartz, CEO of Ragan Communications. Diane will be sharing insights and answering questions related to attributes that lead to communication career success. This event it open to all majors, and everyone interested in public relations is encouraged to attend.

Career Hub Events Over Spring Break
The Career Hub and Mount Ida Campus in Newton, MA are hosting this event for UMass students over Spring Break on Wednesday, March 16th, between 3:00 - 7:30 PM. The first event is a Boston Area Employers Internship Fair where Boston area businesses across many industries are hiring Summer interns, Fall interns, and Co-ops. This event will be held from 3:00 - 5:00 PM on March 16th. For more information and to register, please click here.

Following the internship fair, there will be a Night of Connections: UMass students & Alumni Meet-up, which is an opportunity for students across all majors to meet up with UMass Amherst Alumni across 11 different industries. The alumni attending will be each representing specializations aligned with each of the Career Community Groups found on Connect UMass. To learn more about which Career Communities align best with your interests, sign up for Connect UMass and click "Groups" at the top of the page: For more information and to register, please click here - space is limited.

Women Entrepreneurship UMass
Women Entrepreneurship (WE) is a non-profit organization that promotes entrepreneurship among young women and offers entrepreneurship programs at leading academic institutions. WE UMass meets weekly on Wednesdays at 8 PM over Zoom. Our meetings feature entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders in a variety of industries that speak to us about building a personal brand, marketing and fundraising for a business, or sharing their stories. This semester you can look forward to three different panels on Food Tech, BioTech, and Fashion. To learn more, please sign up for their email list here.

iXperience is a study abroad program that focuses on teaching skills combined with an internship and doing it in beautiful locations around the world such as Lisbon, Costa Rica, or Cape Town. For two years they haven’t been able to offer travel programs, but they are now back. They have figured out how to give you a safe travel experience and boost your career at the same time. They have had over 2500 students do their programs of which 30% are working at Fortune 500 companies. Explore their website and see everything they offer.

Work-Life Balance with Dave Wells Tomorrow!

Happy Sunday!

Join us tomorrow, Monday February 28th, at 7pm in Isenberg 137 (Flavin Auditorium), where Dave Wells, Assistant Director of Career Development, will be teaching us and sharing tips on how to achieve a sustainable and healthy work-life balance and just how important it is!

We will be live streaming on Zoom for our virtual members to attend:

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:
922 9958 0036

WiB Boston Networking Trip - If you are interested in going on our Boston trip, as presented this Monday, please sign up here! We will be visiting Epsilon, attending a luncheon at the UMass Boston Club with speakers from GT, EY, and State Street, as well as the Boston Harbor Hotel. More info will be emailed to those interested. As of right now, all spots are filled but please still sign up to be put on the waitlist as we anticipate some people may drop out.

Why WiB Wednesday - Fill out this form to be featured on the Instagram for "Why WiB Wednesday"! We want to show off our members by sharing what they love most about being a part of WiB!

Committee Sign-Ups and Reminders:

  • Fundraising Committee - To sign up for the fundraising committee, click here!

  • Community Service Committee - Please sign up here for the community service committee!

  • Marketing Committee - Sign up here for the marketing committee!

Be sure to follow our social media accounts for more frequent updates, Instagram specifically (@IsenbergWiB), and check out our website here!

Additional Opportunities

Career Hub Events Over Spring Break
The Career Hub and Mount Ida Campus in Newton, MA are hosting this event for UMass students over Spring Break on Wednesday, March 16th, between 3:00 - 7:30 PM. The first event is a Boston Area Employers Internship Fair where Boston area businesses across many industries are hiring Summer interns, Fall interns, and Co-ops. This event will be held from 3:00 - 5:00 PM on March 16th. For more information and to register, please click here.

Following the internship fair, there will be a Night of Connections: UMass students & Alumni Meet-up, which is an opportunity for students across all majors to meet up with UMass Amherst Alumni across 11 different industries. The alumni attending will be each representing specializations aligned with each of the Career Community Groups found on Connect UMass. To learn more about which Career Communities align best with your interests, sign up for Connect UMass and click "Groups" at the top of the page: For more information and to register, please click here - space is limited.

Women Entrepreneurship UMass
Women Entrepreneurship (WE) is a non-profit organization that promotes entrepreneurship among young women and offers entrepreneurship programs at leading academic institutions. WE UMass meets weekly on Wednesdays at 8 PM over Zoom. Our meetings feature entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders in a variety of industries that speak to us about building a personal brand, marketing and fundraising for a business, or sharing their stories. This semester you can look forward to three different panels on Food Tech, BioTech, and Fashion. To learn more, please sign up for their email list here.

iXperience is a study abroad program that focuses on teaching skills combined with an internship and doing it in beautiful locations around the world such as Lisbon, Costa Rica, or Cape Town. For two years they haven’t been able to offer travel programs, but they are now back. They have figured out how to give you a safe travel experience and boost your career at the same time. They have had over 2500 students do their programs of which 30% are working at Fortune 500 companies. Explore their website and see everything they offer.

Join Us for Elena Lucore's Memorial

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our Women in Business and Isenberg community member, Elena Lucore. Elena was an active member of our organization, attending many of our general body meetings and social events.

The Sisters of Iota Gamma Upsilon, Elena's sorority, have kindly extended an invite to our organization to join the friends and family of Elena Lucore for a memorial service at the Newman Center tomorrow, Sunday February 27th at 2:00 PM. Later this semester, the university will hold a larger public memorial service to honor Elena's life and the lives of other students who have passed away this year.

During this difficult time, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance. Please keep Elena and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Work-Life Balance with Dave Wells Next Meeting!

Hi everyone!

We hope you all enjoyed learning new tips for attending a conference as well as having the opportunity to network with your fellow club members! Thank you to the Women of Isenberg Planning Committee for running the meeting and giving us insight into how all of their hard work will come together this Saturday! More information on how to register and submit your resume for the resume book will be below.

Join us next Monday February 28th, at 7pm in Isenberg 137 (Flavin Auditorium), where Dave Wells, Assistant Director of Career Development, will be teaching us and sharing tips on just how important it is to maintain a healthy work-life balance - and how to actually do it!

We will be live streaming on Zoom for our virtual members to attend:

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:
922 9958 0036

WiB Hygiene Drive - We are teaming up with the Amherst Survival Center to donate hygiene products to help our neighbors in need. If you can donate, we are looking for toilet paper, travel-sized as well as regular-sized toothpaste, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. Please consider donating and signing up for tabling (earn community service hours and 2 WiB points/hour). Sign up here for tabling and drop off any donations in the box in the Hub!

WiB Boston Networking Trip - If you are interested in going on our Boston trip, as presented this Monday, please sign up here! We will be visiting Epsilon, attending a luncheon at the UMass Boston Club with speakers from GT, EY, and State Street, as well as the Boston Harbor Hotel. More info will be emailed to those interested. As of right now, all spots are filled but please still sign up to be put on the waitlist as we anticipate some people may drop out.

Membership Dues - Dues are $5 for the year, meaning if you paid last semester you do NOT have to pay again, this is only for our new members! Please pay either through the Campus Pulse account (scroll down until you reach the bottom, then click on "Link to Collect Dues") or in cash and sign the excel sheet at the end of our general body meetings.

Why WiB Wednesday - Fill out this form to be featured on the Instagram for "Why WiB Wednesday"! We want to show off our members by sharing what they love most about being a part of WiB!

WoI Conference - This virtual event will take place on Saturday, February 26th, 2022, and will be accessible from any location. Please follow this link to register for the 2022 Virtual Women of Isenberg Conference. There is NO registration fee associated with this virtual event. More details regarding refunds will be available soon. To learn more about our event, check out our website. WoI also has a Resume Book! This Resume Book will be given to our corporate sponsors, so we highly suggest all attendees to upload their resumes here. In past years, attendees have gotten interviews for internships and full-time jobs from these sponsor connections.

Committee Sign-Ups and Reminders:

  • Fundraising Committee - To sign up for the fundraising committee, click here!

  • Community Service Committee - Please sign up here for the community service committee!

  • Marketing Committee - Sign up here for the marketing committee. Our next meeting is this Thursday, February 24th, at 7pm where we will be having a Careers in Marketing Panel!

Be sure to follow our social media accounts for more frequent updates, Instagram specifically (@IsenbergWiB), and check out our website here!

Additional Opportunities

Venture Summit
If you are a startup seeking capital and/or partnerships, submit your plan for the opportunity to present at Venture Summit \ Digital Connect, the premier venue connecting fast-growing, emerging-growth companies with active Venture Capitalists, Corporate Investors, Private Investors, Investment Bankers, and Strategic Partners. The deadline to apply is February 24th. Apply here.

Women Entrepreneurship UMass
Women Entrepreneurship (WE) is a non-profit organization that promotes entrepreneurship among young women and offers entrepreneurship programs at leading academic institutions. WE UMass meets weekly on Wednesdays at 8 PM over Zoom. Our meetings feature entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders in a variety of industries that speak to us about building a personal brand, marketing and fundraising for a business, or sharing their stories. This semester you can look forward to three different panels on Food Tech, BioTech, and Fashion. To learn more, please sign up for their email list here.

iXperience is a study abroad program that focuses on teaching skills combined with an internship and doing it in beautiful locations around the world such as Lisbon, Costa Rica, or Cape Town. For two years they haven’t been able to offer travel programs, but they are now back. They have figured out how to give you a safe travel experience and boost your career at the same time. They have had over 2500 students do their programs of which 30% are working at Fortune 500 companies. Explore their website and see everything they offer. They have an early deadline application coming up on the 24th February at 11:59 PST, and some big discounts if you apply by then.