Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone and Learning to Take Risks

Author: Kayla Kay

As a freshman at Isenberg, I am familiar with how nerve wracking it can be to adjust to a new school and environment. On top of trying to tackle the everyday struggles of adjusting to the social norms of college, learning the ropes of Isenberg can be daunting. Sometimes, with so many classes, clubs, and opportunities available, it seems easier to sit back and not take advantage of the opportunities UMass and Isenberg have to offer. To get you out of that rut, here are my top 3 ideas of ways to step out of your comfort zone and take risks in your life at UMass.

1. Go to Club Fairs:

I have to admit it, I skipped the club fair hosted at the beginning of the year to lie in bed and watch Netflix. While burying myself in fury blankets and watching The Office was amazing, attending club fairs is extremely beneficial in learning about the clubs offered on campus. Even if you don’t find a club you want to join, going is a great way to help you discover more of what you like and what you don’t like. Bring a friend along, it makes the experience less overwhelming and more fun!

       2. Take a Class that has nothing to do with your interests:

My love for the sciences does not go much further than watching Bill Nye the Science Guy, so I was not happy when my advisor informed me that I had to take a Biological Science course. However, trying the course and studying the material was a great experience for me: I ended with an A and also confirmed I definitely do not want to be a scientist!

3. If the Opportunity is there — Study Abroad:

Being homesick is a hard feeling to deal with- I get it, I was always the kid to call my parents at sleepovers. It is easy to abandon the idea of going abroad out of fear, but going is an amazing way to extend your education and experience other cultures. We just got back from Spring Break, so start fresh and choose a time to meet with your advisor! Ask them questions about abroad programs- whether it be a domestic or foreign program!

Go for it! You won’t regret it!