Why Creativity is So Valuable — and How You Can Have a More Imaginative Mindset

Author: Jackie Wright

Whether you are a self-made artist or a CEO of a massive accounting firm, creativity is an essential quality. The ability to come up with unique ideas, concepts, and to think differently is something that is truly priceless. Our ability as humans to be imaginative is something truly unique and something no computer can ever take place for. The google definition of “creativity” is “the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work”. This definition implies that creativity is generally most applicable to artistic endeavors, while these professions do survive off unique ideas, having a creative mindset is important to be successful in any sort of work. Creativity is particularly important in the business world, as without creativity and innovation, every company would stay stagnant and never come up with new ideas, marketing techniques, and products. It is the creative individuals with all the ideas that are most likely to get ahead in their careers. That being said, there is a variety of ways you can boost your creative thinking (no matter what level you are at).

4 Simple Ways You Can Have A More Creative Mindset:

1. Stay active! Whether it is through hitting the gym or joining a sports team, studies show engaging in physical activities increases left brain thinking. This interesting business insider article goes more in-depth on the topic: https://www.businessinsider.com/exercise-benefits-brain-creativity-stress-2016-11

2. Consume engaging media. Watching a critically acclaimed film, reading books, and listening to podcasts are all ways you can easily stimulate creative thinking. By viewing the work of others and seeing the world through another person’s lens, along with learning new information, you can further expand your mind and thus open up your mind for more imaginative thinking.

3. Create Things. I personally believe that your brain is the most active when you are actually creating something. Whether that is just coming up with a unique idea or literally creating something, like a painting. I personally think the easiest way to do this is to doodle or draw, and if art is really not your thing; writing is another excellent option. You certainly don’t need to be a Leonardo Da Vinci to create, all you need to do is what works best for you and is up to par with your abilities. I think doing something like doodling, although it may seem silly, really allows you to be your most creative self and just have some fun.

4. Do something you love! Whether you love to hike, build things, play games, or maybe write short stories, never underestimate how much value hobbies like these can have. Doing something you enjoy both boosts your mood and brain activity. Think about how much fun you had as a kid and how wild your imagination was– there is definitely a correlation between doing things you enjoy and how you think. I know when I am able to spend more time painting or drawing, one of my favorite things to do, that is when I am thinking the most creatively in all aspects of life.

Whether you are a self-made artist or a CEO of a massive accounting firm, creativity is an essential quality. The ability to come up with unique ideas, concepts, and to think differently is something that is truly priceless. Our ability as humans to be imaginative is something truly unique and something no computer can ever take place for. The google definition of “creativity” is “the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work”. This definition implies that creativity is generally most applicable to artistic endeavors, while these professions do survive off unique ideas, having a creative mindset is important to be successful in any sort of work. Creativity is particularly important in the business world, as without creativity and innovation, every company would stay stagnant and never come up with new ideas, marketing techniques, and products. It is the creative individuals with all the ideas that are most likely to get ahead in their careers. That being said, there is a variety of ways you can boost your creative thinking (no matter what level you are at).

4 Simple Ways You Can Have A More Creative Mindset:

1. Stay active! Whether it is through hitting the gym or joining a sports team, studies show engaging in physical activities increases left brain thinking. This interesting business insider article goes more in-depth on the topic: https://www.businessinsider.com/exercise-benefits-brain-creativity-stress-2016-11

2. Consume engaging media. Watching a critically acclaimed film, reading books, and listening to podcasts are all ways you can easily stimulate creative thinking. By viewing the work of others and seeing the world through another person’s lens, along with learning new information, you can further expand your mind and thus open up your mind for more imaginative thinking.

3. Create Things. I personally believe that your brain is the most active when you are actually creating something. Whether that is just coming up with a unique idea or literally creating something, like a painting. I personally think the easiest way to do this is to doodle or draw, and if art is really not your thing; writing is another excellent option. You certainly don’t need to be a Leonardo Da Vinci to create, all you need to do is what works best for you and is up to par with your abilities. I think doing something like doodling, although it may seem silly, really allows you to be your most creative self and just have some fun.

4. Do something you love! Whether you love to hike, build things, play games, or maybe write short stories, never underestimate how much value hobbies like these can have. Doing something you enjoy both boosts your mood and brain activity. Think about how much fun you had as a kid and how wild your imagination was– there is definitely a correlation between doing things you enjoy and how you think. I know when I am able to spend more time painting or drawing, one of my favorite things to do, that is when I am thinking the most creatively in all aspects of life.