How to Get Out of The Winter Rut

Author: Kaylie Keating

The month of February is rough. The joyous holiday season that comes with December and the motivational spirit that fills January is followed by a whole month of dreary, cold weather and the feeling that warm weather will never come. And to top it off, those final weeks of walking through snow and attempting to stay warm are also the busy weeks before spring break-where professors fill your schedule with exams and there’s lots of events happening on campus. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything going on, as well as unmotivated as you try to pull yourself out of that lingering winter slump. Here are my top five tips for getting out of your winter rut and pushing through these last couple weeks before the sun finally starts to shine through.

1. Group Fitness Classes

Nothing motivates me to get active and go to the gym more than a fitness class. At UMass in particular, you have to sign up for classes via the IMLeagues app. If I am signed up for a class and there’s a waitlist, I’m less likely to leave the session and more likely to force myself to make the trek there. Whether you’re interested in some cardio in a Spinning class or finding zen in a yoga class, there’s a fitness class that you’ll love. The energy in the classes always leaves me feeling motivated and productive.

2. Have a “Me Night”

Trying to balance schoolwork with clubs, jobs, and a social life can be stressful and usually we can become so busy that we don’t even realize how burnt out we really are. A quick fix to calm down and rejuvenate is a classic and cliché spa night. Choose a night of the week and say “no” to plans that night. Order Insomnia cookies, put on a face mask, and turn on your favorite show. Or read a book, make some tea, and do anything else that makes you feel good. This night should be all about you.

3. Remember to Take Study Breaks

Nothing fuels burn out more than not taking study breaks. Throughout the week, try to take little breaks from work by grabbing some of your friends and exploring places on or around campus. My top recommendations would be to enjoy the serenity atop the Studio Arts and Design Building, walking through Durfee Conservatory, or treating yourself to a Glazed doughnut in Downtown Amherst (their Cookies n’ Cream one's life changing).

4. Social Media Detox

I’m not a social media hater. I think it’s a great creative outlet to express yourself and share ideas. However, I do think that it can be very negative, especially when you’re in a rut. Seeing all of your friends “thriving” causes you to question yourself and what you’re doing wrong. So try deleting all your apps for a day, a weekend, or maybe even a week. It will also do wonders for your studying. Goodbye procrastination!

5. Appreciate the Cold

I know it’s easy to sulk and complain about how cold it is, but at the end of the day, we go to college in Massachusetts, and nothing is going to change how cold the winter gets. So try to live in the moment instead of counting down the days until summer by enjoying all of the great things about winter. This is the only time of year you can make yourself hot chocolate with a heaping pile of marshmallows and whip cream on top without any regrets. Go do that.