WiB Wrap Up

As the fall semester comes to a close, it's the perfect time to reflect on the amazing semester we have had in WiB!  So, we asked our amazing WiB E-board members to share their favorite moments and key takeaways.

Jenny Carlmark -Co-Director of Community Service

This semester has been full of new experiences for me: taking more major-focused classes, becoming a part of the lovely WiB e-board, and living off-campus for the first time. I have enjoyed every single one of these new changes this semester and am excited to continue with this change going into next semester. My favorite experience from this semester was being able to become an Accounting 221 TA, I love my job and love having a positive impact on the students in Isenberg. My advice to anyone reading the blog would definitely be to accept change with open arms because you never know when it might be the perfect chance to make your life ten times better. I am so grateful for a great fall semester and can't wait for the spring semester to start! :)

Lavinia Caravella-  Secretary

This semester has flown by so fast!! I have had so many amazing memories this semester but I would have to say some of my favorites were the WiB Halloween meeting and going to NYC with my friends. I am so excited for the WiB Formal next semester and can't wait for all the fun opportunities that arise as well!

Jackie Diegel - Co-Director of Peer Mentorship Program

This semester, one of the highlights was leading the peer mentorship program with Elise! It was a huge success, and I’m so grateful to have been able to pair up meaningful mentor-mentee relationships that will hopefully provide lasting support throughout college. I also loved getting closer with the E-Board members and attending all the inspiring meetings this semester. One of my favorites was Bella’s session with Cape Cod’r, where we gained valuable insights into working for a start-up or smaller company. Looking ahead to next semester, I’m excited for the Boston trip and for Ainsley, our other co-director, to return from her semester abroad! If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to truly appreciate every moment you have with your friends because the semesters really do fly by!

Sophia - Co Marketing Director 

One of my most memorable moments from this semester was seeing my two close friends, Ava and Bella, excel in the Co-President position. They truly have done such an amazing job so far and I couldn’t imagine anyone else leading our club! I’m looking forward to working on WiB merch next semester with Abby. I also really enjoyed our “Social Media 101” Marketing Committee meeting as the topic resonates with me so much. 

Jill Baldassini - Blog Chair 

The highlight of my experience at WiB has been working with the incredible ladies on the MarComm team. Collaborating with such talented and creative individuals has been so inspiring, and I’ve especially loved reading all the blog posts our amazing members have written. Each post offers a unique perspective and shows the talent and ambition within our WiB community. Next semester, I’m thrilled to be studying abroad in Seville, Spain. While I’ll miss being on campus and working with everyone at WiB, I’m excited to see how WiB continues to grow. I’ll definitely be keeping up with all the great things WiB accomplishes from afar!

Ella Cushman- Community Service Co-Director

My first semester as an e-board member for WiB has been amazing! The first Community Service Committee meeting making cards for kids was a very memorable moment for me. Jenny and I were so happy with the amazing turnout and success of the meeting. Another WiB meeting this semester that I loved (and one of my favorites every year) was the Halloween meeting. This general body meeting is always so much fun and a huge highlight of the semester. I am so excited for more fun meetings like these in the future!

Thank you all for an incredible semester. We're so excited for what's to come next semester! 💜