Importance of Socializing

By: Hailley Wilson

As college students, we have high expectations of how we operate in our day-to-day lives. University should come first but I believe socializing should come second. Socializing is a necessity for the average college student. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, connecting to those around you will often improve your daily life. College is full of challenges and there is no better way to combat and celebrate tackling them than with friends. Although, friends are not the only way to socialize. My favorite way to connect with others is through compliments! There is no better feeling than validation on a cute shirt, your hair, or even a speech you just gave! Connecting with others is a great way to change your day around!

Friendships offer a variety of ways to improve our lives. In fact, friends can be a great stress reliever. If you are worried about an upcoming test or a paper worth half of your grade you should connect with the people surrounding you! Friendships are there for you to lean on when life gets tough! Have a friend quiz you with your note cards or have them provide feedback on your writing! I know when I doubt my abilities, I count on my roommate to assure me when it comes to schoolwork.

Not only are friendships a stress reliever but they help combat loneliness! If schoolwork has taken over your life, take a break. If you find yourself in a routine that leaves you not communicating with others from sunup to sundown, fix it. Make time in your schedule to see a friend, go to a club, or go to an event your major has! Surround yourself with people who will renew your energy. Speak to someone new at one of these events or catch up with an old friend. Talking, even small talk, will make you feel more connected to the people around you. I know every Tuesday a group of friends and I meet at a dining hall to catch up on each other's lives. It is only an hour of my day, but it makes my week!

A majority of college students find themselves feeling lost and unsure of their path. Maybe you are confused about your life choices. Is my major right for me? Am I capable in my work? And many more questions we all ask ourselves, but socialization will help! Talk to a friend and listen to their advice. Listen to how they found their path and how they may be feeling. Maybe talking aloud to a trusted friend might just give you the confidence you needed!