By: Jenna DiDonato
As Summer is coming up and we are already shopping for that perfect swimsuit…there seems to be the underlying fear of how will my body look?! As women, we are told our bodies aren’t the “right size” or they don’t have the “right look”. And this doesn’t magically end once we are older, it’s a constant struggle.
As someone who is and has always been on the thinner side, I have experienced body shaming which has then turned into self hatred. I don’t eat enough, I have no muscle, I look like a child, parts of my body aren’t big or small enough, I should eat more meat...I could go on and on about all the lies I’ve been told and have believed. I know I am not the only one who has gone through this. It’s hard not to believe when you see girls and women on TV who are “desirable” and “dateable”, and no, not represented as my body type.
And looking at the past couple years, it’s only recently that we have plus size models on the forefront. And woman with all breast sizes. Or people with different skin types and colors. With freckles. With beauty marks. With something “different” than the ordinary! This is what we have needed all throughout life, as women, as little kids. What everyone needs is representation of ALL bodies that ALL look different. We need young & old, transgender & non gender conforming, we need gay & straight, we need black & white, we need plus size, we need thin size, we need ANY size.
What I have to focus on, is loving my own body and re-learning that I am perfect just the way I am. Yes, let’s build each other up, but let’s not forget to build ourselves up too. I am a strong, beautiful and healthy woman, and I will wear whatever swimsuit or dress or shirt that feels good on and for ME.
And Never forget, there’s no winning in comparison, so love your body up!