Pushing Through those Mid-Semester Blues 

By: Payton Wright

Every college student has fallen victim to a case of the Sunday Scaries at some point, most more than once. Once the initial back-to-campus excitement and energy settles down it can be difficult to stay motivated. Exams are starting, assignment deadlines are coming up faster than you can keep track of, you’re stressed, tired, and probably starting to get home sick. With Columbus Day right around the corner, I am here to give you some tips to reenergize and refocus, so you can get back on track to ace this semester.

The first step I always take to “getting my life together” is sitting down in a quiet, comfortable place.  Whether it’s your bed, desk, favorite floor of DuBois or the Isenberg Hub – just make sure the distractions are minimal. Take out your planner, update/add assignments, quizzes, and exams. Then, prioritize, so you have a better idea of what needs to be done immediately, and what you can worry about later. Visually seeing what needs to be done can help simplify the information and pinpoint your focus on the top priority.

I’ll admit, that step can make you feel even more overwhelmed than before when you see all the upcoming assignments you have to complete. That’s okay. Step away from the planner. Get some fresh air, a good workout in, watch an episode of your favorite show, or talk to a friend.  Whatever you need to do to come back with a clear mind. 

Now how the next step goes is up to you, you can allow yourself to become overwhelmed and welcome the negative thoughts of “it’s impossible” or “I’ll never get all this done” to take over OR you can make the conscious decision to turn those thoughts into positive, attainable affirmations. You are more than capable of whatever equation, writing prompt, or study guide is staring back at you. It is all a matter of initiative, focus, and maybe a little will power.

Personally, I have begun to try and find the excitement in everything I do to fuel my motivation to keep working. Right now, I find myself using my eagerness to find an internship I am truly passionate about to push myself to keep working hard. Finding a purpose to be proud of the work you are putting in will make school much more enjoyable than simply passing in assignments to get by.

The stress will pass, as it always does, and soon enough that to-do list will be all checked off. The real trick is being able to identify when you are allowing that list to take over you, and then realizing that you are the only person who can control how it is handled. It can be easy to get buried in schoolwork. Taking the time to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and appreciate the work it took to get where you are will not only validate all of the work you have done but will motivate you to keep it up!

“So many people wait to feel ‘motivated’ before they do anything. Here’s a newsflash: happy productive people do not wait for motivation, they just get on with it'' 

- Marie Forleo