Majors Panel

“So what do you want to do?”

This is a question every college student hears at least 100 times a year. Sometimes the answer comes to you in a second, or sometimes it’s not there at all. We presented a panel to teach everyone a little bit more about Isenberg majors! Here are a few takeaways with each panelist’s contact information!


Tori Soucy (

  • Management involves learning skills in leadership and running an organization effectively

  • It offers a variety of career opportunities like working in human resources, business law, and more!


Maria Jara (

  • Marketing helps you learn various analytical and creative skills to sell various products or ideas

  • Everyone needs marketing - there are a variety of industries available for marketing majors to explore!


Haley Chupka (

  • OIM is based around analyzing data in supply chain management and information systems

  • It is a field that is constantly evolving with different advancements in technology!


Mia Celik (

  • Finance involves learning the ins and outs of corporate finance, banking, and investments


Julie Han (

  • Accounting is split into a variety of disciplines like auditing, tax, and consulting so clients can make informed financial decisions

  • Since accounting has such a heavy course load, studying abroad can be difficult. But the International Programs Office is always willing to help and find you different opportunities for travel!

Hospitality & Tourism Management

Grace Ford (

  • The core of HTM is customer service, whether it be in hotels, clubs, resorts, and more!

  • Though working in hotels is a popular career path for HTM students, it is not the only one! Hospitality and tourism is all about people, whether they are in a hotel or not

Sport Management

Ashley Robinson (

  • Sport management takes core business courses and applies them to a sports context

  • Some possible careers in sport management include managing teams, sports marketing, and player personnel!