Taking Care of Yourself + Creating Better Balance - Ashley Olafsen

We were lucky to have social entrepreneur and UMass Alumna, Ashley Olafsen give us a presentation on “Taking Care of Yourself + Creating Better Balance.” Ashley gave examples of how she transformed her life, especially in pandemic times where adapting was a skill everyone regardless of position, had to acquire.

There was an interactive portion where she had us make lists of our obligations and analyze them into what we enjoy doing vs. don’t enjoy doing. In doing this, we were able to see on paper everything we are responsible for and how packed our lives really are. Most of us were really shocked to see how much we are occupied with and talked ways of making all of those duties more enjoyable.

In a fast-paced society where we constantly have to catch up, we often get lost in our own well-being practices which can lead to a feeling of burn-out. Using Ashley’s advice, our members were able to each take something away to apply into our busy lives as full-time students with other responsibilities on top of it all. It is important to stop sometimes and think about what we are doing and how beneficial it is to us. To some, that might look like staying active, to others it may be to learn a new skill or start a new healthy habit. Self-care is not a one-size fits all, but it is certainly inclusive and customizable to everyone

Thank you Ashley for the amazing advice and new practices that our new members will surely remember and apply to their day-to-day lives. Remember to take a moment to debrief and take care of yourselves!

Resume Building Workshop with Chase Career Center

Chase Career Center Coach, Pam Mathison joined us for our meeting today to give us insightful information on resume building and more. She works in the Chase Career Center as one of the Resume Coaches to make sure Isenberg students feel confident and comfortable with their self-brand. Students can book appointments with Chase Career Center Coaches to go over several topics relevant to a career opportunity. She went over the following topics:

  • Chase Career Center Overview

  • Resume Best Practices

  • SMART Method Overview

  • Career Fair Plus Overview

  • Networking Tips and Resources

  • Chase Coaches & Career Peers

In preparation for the upcoming Isenberg Career Fair on September 30, we gained amazing tips on navigating the virtual fair and the platforms being used. Networking virtually is definitely new to everyone whether you are a returning or incoming student. Pam eased the pre-fair stress that many of us all had! Be sure to follow up with a career coach to become further comfortable with going to the career fair and follow the checklist they have posted on their website! Thank you Pam for all of the helpful advice and good luck to everyone attending the fair!

WiB Alumni Panel

Welcome back!

To kick off the fall semester, we brought back the following WiB Alumni to talk about their post-graduate experiences and any obstacles they have had to overcome in these unprecedented times:

Carly Griffin - Class of 2018

Senior Customer Success Manager at Touchplan


Sam Boardman - Class of 2019

Account Manager at Signature Consultants


Haley Chupka - Class of 2020

MMDP Associate at Pratt & Whitney


Emma Jopson - Class of 2020

Junior Data Engineer at MassMutual


Mikaela Hensen - Class of 2020

Investment Banking Analyst at Cowen and Company


Thank you to all of these amazing women for giving great advice and insight to our members on how they were able to get to where they are now, the pandemic’s affect on their living and working conditions, and how they were able to persevere during the current pandemic personally and professionally. We also learned from them the importance of taking care of ourselves regardless of unprecedented times such as focusing on mental and physical health. Everyone takes a unique path to get to where they want to be, some might partake in internships during college and others might have different plans. Our panelists were very informative of that and gave us all a fresh perspective of navigating careers as current college students!

Internship Panel

To start off the Spring Semester, our first meeting consisted of an Internship Panel featuring WIB E-Board members.

Their contact information is listed below:

Thank you to all of our panelists for providing their insights about their own, unique internship experiences and interview processes! Some big takeaways are to “Go for it” as our WIB motto states and be open to different opportunities. Utilize your connections and be willing to take on a challenge. Candidates who are willing to work hard and adapt are the ones these firms are looking for.

Professor Erin Tierney: Event Planning

Professor Tierney teaches for our Hospitality & Tourism Management Program here at Isenberg, specifically classes geared toward event planning. During this meeting, Professor Tierney spoke about her career path in event planning and how she got to her position today.

Tierney’s career path led her to travel all around the world. She began in Ireland as a graduate student but eventually ended up working in California, Hong Kong, Australia, and Denmark taking on many different roles.

    • Direct Management Group

    • Film Producer

    • Hong Kong Tourism Board

    • Australian Tourist Commission

    • Visit Denmark

    • Tumlare

    • Worldwide Events

What is Event Planning? Tierney describes Event Planning as planning an event from conception to clean up, coordinating all aspects of event, and making sure everyone has fun. The skills needed for event planning include 

    • Excellent time management skills

    • Passion and enthusiasm

    • Interpersonal skills

    • Flexibility

    • Energy

    • Eye for detail

Tierney also provided us with recommendations with how to work towards a career in event planning. Event planning takes a lot of creativity, but also adaptability when things don’t always go as planned. Some of her suggestions include:

    • Get involved

    • Network

    • Join a club or association

    • Try different jobs/internships

    • Try different hobbies

    • Challenge yourself

    • Continue to learn

    • Listen

If you have any questions about event planning or want to learn more from Professor Tierney, feel free to reach out to her at etierney@isenberg.umass.edu!